首页 » EasyLanguage易语言 » ICO制作


于 2018-07-19 发布 文件大小:11KB
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  ico图标制作 从此不用ps 单独制作 可以批量制作 是不是方便了许多呢(ICO icon production since then without PS separate production, mass production is not a lot of convenience.)


ICO制作.e, 54663 , 2017-07-27



0 个回复

  • 20157
    OpenGL控制球体源码程序,结合易语言OPenGL支持库和DirectX2D支持库,实现球体的转动。(OpenGL sphere source control program , combined with easy language support library and DirectX2D OPenGL support library that implements the rotation of the sphere.)
    2015-04-29 19:30:20下载
  • 01614
    CSS样式滚动条源码程序,结合易语言超文本浏览框支持库,实现滚动条的CSS样式。(CSS style scrollbar source program, combined with easy language hypertext browsing box support library that implements the scrollbar CSS styles.)
    2018-06-07 21:39:14下载
  • 6653
    GIF动画例程源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库和易语言第三方GIF动画操作支持库,实现窗口的动画效果。(GIF animation routines source, the program combined with easy language support library expansion interface and ease of operation support language animated GIF third party library that implements the animation window.)
    2016-03-02 12:45:26下载
  • [VC]-dBot-v0.1
    dBot的源码(因为实在是太简单了,只要拿OD稍微逆下就出来了……) 源码里用到了socket和http协议,比较基础。(dBot source (because it is too simple, just take a little against the OD came out the next ...) Source used in the socket and http protocols, basis for comparison.)
    2011-12-29 08:07:51下载
  • 049351
    小楼抓图工具易语言源码,例程程序结合易语言位图操作支持库,直接使用了QQ的截图功能,调用API函数获取剪帖板中的图片数据,可以保存成JPG图片。(Xiaolou capture tool easy language source code , routine program combining easy language support library bitmap operations , the direct use of QQ screenshot function , call the API function to get the Clipboard plate image data can be saved as JPG picture .)
    2017-04-20 13:10:03下载
  • jNzcupRS
    DNF游戏便利源码,自己写的哦 希望大家下载啊(DNF game convenient source, write your own Oh ah want to download)
    2011-08-24 00:57:00下载
  • 4318850
    HTTP进度下载断点续传源码,例程结合易语言多线程支持库,调用API函数实现HTTP进度下载,支持断点续传。(HTTP HTTP schedule download the source code, the routine combined with easy language multithreading support library, call the API function to achieve progress HTTP download, support for HTTP.)
    2014-11-11 16:57:53下载
  • dddee
    键盘、鼠标应用,很不错的易语言源码,易爱好者可以下载使用(Keyboard, mouse, application, very good source of easy language, easy to use fans can download)
    2011-10-20 10:32:25下载
  • 239940
    迅雷看看播放电影易语言源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库和超文本浏览框支持库,调用迅雷看看网址播放电影。(Thunder player to see movies easy language source code , the program combined with easy language support library expansion interface and hypertext browsing box support library , call the Thunder look to play the movie site .)
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    说明:  可以给程序进行upx压缩加壳,这样可以有效缩小程序体积和被反汇编(Upx can be used to compress and shell programs)
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