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于 2009-04-03 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  nmo的c程序,多层 比较简单nmo的c程序,多层 比较简单(nmo)



0 个回复

  • dictionary
    利用Trie树实现一个英语单词辅助记忆系统,完成相应的建表和查表程序(Trie tree using an English word to achieve auxiliary memory system, complete the appropriate procedures for the construction table and look-up table)
    2010-05-05 20:53:32下载
  • ShowSaveBMP
    使用CDib类实现显示与保存BMP文件,VC++经典编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Use the CDib class to display and save the BMP file, VC++ classic learning programming source code, a good reference.)
    2013-11-25 11:53:05下载
  • iperf_win
    Iperf windows版,新手学习用,相当不错.(Iperf windows version, novices to learn, is quite good.)
    2013-04-15 15:31:26下载
  • yingliangctrol
    最近总是遇到调音量和选择录音通道方面的程序,我从网上下载了一个音量控制类,但在不同的操作系统有时会出错,我修改了里面的错误,重新封装成dll类,并提供详细的测试程序。没什么技术只是为了方便使用。 不过这个类在某些操作系统上对录音通道选择时还是会出问题,比如明明是选择"Mono"录音通道,可他却选到其他通道了, 我用了DirectX自带的例子程序也不能正确选到想要的录音通道,不知道如何能准确地选择需要的录音通道,若有高手知道请不吝赐教,我的E-Mail:chrys@163.com,多谢!(recent encounter always stressed the volume and channel selection recording of the procedures, I downloaded from the Internet by a volume control category, but in different operating systems sometimes be wrong, I revised the inside of errors, dll encapsulation into categories, and to provide detailed test procedures. No technology is meant to facilitate use. But in the category of some systems of recording channels to choose or will be problems, For example, she choose "Mono" recording channel, but he elected to the other channel, I used the example of DirectX, bringing their procedures for the election not to want to correct audio channel, do not know how to accurately select the desired audio channel, if experts know Help us to assume my E-Mail : chrys@163.com, thank!)
    2007-04-02 15:36:24下载
  • ddeclientvc
    说明:  DDE CLIENT,用于dde方式读区服务器内容(DDE Client for dde reading of server content)
    2006-03-10 15:42:05下载
  • hex2dat
    在DSP自起动时,用来将生成的.hex文件转换成.dat文件,只有这样才能正确烧写到flash中(The DSP from the start, is used to generate the hex file convert dat file, the only way to properly programmed into flash)
    2013-05-10 19:53:42下载
  • Addition
    进行加法运算的实例程序,是照着别人的做的,如果有初学者可以看看。(An example program for adding operations is based on what others do, if you have a beginner.)
    2017-06-29 15:31:28下载
  • company_network
    搭建一个有4个部门的公司网络,包含研发部门、测试部门、管理部门和销售部门,利用局域网模型在一个对象中模拟一个服务器和多个客户端的行为(Set up a department of four corporate network, including R & D department, testing department, management department and sales department, the use of local area network model of an object in the simulation at a server and multiple clients of conduct)
    2009-04-08 19:35:59下载
  • CPPPrimer
    C++Primer中文版,讲解C++的语法内容和使用。是一本不错的资料(C++Primer Chinese version, to explain the syntax and the use of C++. Is a good information)
    2016-09-02 13:43:56下载
  • GetHostNameIP
    一个有关获取主机名和IP地址的MFC程序,对于初学者来说很有帮助(For information about obtaining a host name and IP address of the MFC, very helpful for beginners)
    2013-08-22 10:58:23下载
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