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于 2018-07-09 发布 文件大小:12KB
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  电力负荷预测是电力系统规划的重要组成部分,也是电力系统经济运行的基础,其对电力系统规划和运行都极其重要。利用粒子群算法优化支持向量机更加高效准确预测电力负荷。(The power load forecasting is an important part of the power system planning, and it is also the basis of the economic operation of the power system. It is very important to the planning and operation of the power system. Particle swarm optimization is used to optimize SVM to predict power load more efficiently and accurately.)


pso-svm电力负荷预测\a23.xls, 22016 , 2016-06-04
pso-svm电力负荷预测\acu.mat, 378 , 2017-12-26
pso-svm电力负荷预测\acu1.mat, 379 , 2016-06-02
pso-svm电力负荷预测\AdaptFunc.m, 2392 , 2016-06-02
pso-svm电力负荷预测\BaseStepPso.m, 3813 , 2010-05-18
pso-svm电力负荷预测\InitSwarm.m, 2178 , 2016-06-02
pso-svm电力负荷预测\pso.m, 2112 , 2016-06-02
pso-svm电力负荷预测\shorttime.m, 2841 , 2016-06-02
pso-svm电力负荷预测\~$模式识别.pptx, 165 , 2016-06-04
pso-svm电力负荷预测, 0 , 2017-12-26



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