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于 2018-06-26 发布 文件大小:2584KB
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  本程序实现了提取图像中直线的功能。能够很好地提取出位于边缘上的直线段,其结果表示为两端端点坐标以及线段宽度(This program realizes the function of extracting the edge line in the image.The straight line segment at the edge can be extracted well, and the result is expressed as the end point coordinates and line segment width at both ends.)


opencv_highgui247.dll, 2363904 , 2018-04-12
opencv_imgproc247.dll, 2203648 , 2018-04-12
lsd.mexw64, 40960 , 2018-04-12
lsd_example.m, 504 , 2018-05-14
lsd_image.mexw64, 43520 , 2018-04-12
lsd2.m, 160 , 2018-04-12
lsd2_example.m, 282 , 2018-04-12
opencv_core247.dll, 2520576 , 2018-04-12



0 个回复

  • Otsu image processing
    利用大津算法对图片进行处理,得到满意的处理效果。(The image is processed by Otsu algorithm and satisfactory results are obtained.)
    2019-04-12 15:45:15下载
  • ExtPhaseCorrelation
    数字图像相位相关性,对两幅图像位移的前后相位变化进行检测(Phase Correlation)
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  • Graph-theory
    本文档主要讲解了基于图论着色的动态频谱分配研究,可以让大家快速的学习认知无线电中的频谱分配(This document is mainly on the dynamic spectrum allocation based on graph coloring theory research, so that we can quickly learn the spectrum allocation in cognitive radio)
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  • image-segmentation-program
    给予matlab的图像分割例程,内附相关图片及程序。(Image segmentation routine MATLAB, containing the relevant pictures and program. )
    2013-08-05 17:12:56下载
  • Pearson-correlation
    在统计学中,皮尔逊积矩相关系数(英语:Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient,又称作 PPMCC或PCCs[1], 文章中常用r或Pearson s r表示)用于度量两个变量X和Y之间的相关(线性相关),其值介于-1与1之间。在自然科学领域中,该系数广泛用于度量两个变量之间的相关程度。它是由卡尔·皮尔逊从弗朗西斯·高尔顿在19世纪80年代提出的一个相似却又稍有不同的想法演变而来的。这个相关系数也称作“皮尔森相关系数r”。(In statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (English: Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, also known PPMCC or PCCs [1], the article used or Pearson s r r representation) is a measure of the two variables X and Y between correlation (linear correlation), a value between-1 and 1. In the natural sciences, the coefficient is widely used to measure the degree of correlation between the two variables. It is made a similar Karl Pearson Francis Galton in the 1880s but made a slightly different idea evolved. The correlation coefficient is also called Pearson s correlation coefficient r .)
    2015-04-27 16:37:58下载
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    图像的平滑函数,对指定区域的图像,并有门限值和魔板大小限制。(the smooth of a bmp image)
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  • chepai
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  • diedaifa
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