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于 2016-12-28 发布 文件大小:89KB
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  c#开发西门子OPC客户端的绝佳工具源码全套源码(C# development of SIEMENS OPC client the perfect tool for a full set of source code)


.............\........................\........................\Service References



0 个回复

  • mysql
    modul mysql, tutorial my sql. how to make connection with mysql.
    2013-04-03 02:01:22下载
  • 网页特效5,文字的上下移动,动态的变化颜色,艺术字的设置。...
    网页特效5,文字的上下移动,动态的变化颜色,艺术字的设置。-netnew 5, the text up and down, and dynamic changes in color, art character set.
    2023-06-01 12:40:02下载
  • ve
    说明:  在已按照jdk和下载了eclipse的情况下,把你的eclipse压缩包和我上传的里面压缩包解压后的3个压缩包一起解压。然后重新打开eclipse就可以用了。我自己试验过的,绝对可行。VE很好用,免费开源软件,感觉跟VS里面的差不多,可以拖拽控件,可视化修改属性。 安装完,可以这样实验一下: 1.新建一个java工程 2.工程上右键属性->Java Build Path -> Add Library -> Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) 然后 下一步 选择 Include Support For JFace library ,完成 3.工程上右键 ->New -> Other 选JAVA 下的Visual Class 左下角 Style 里选 -> Swt ->Shell 完成新建类 还可以调出常用视图: 1.Window -> Show View -> Other 选 Java -> Java Beans 2.Window -> show View -> Other 选 General -> Properties 然后就可以很容易的使用ve来做java界面了(release three packages with your edition of eclipse and it s ok)
    2010-12-16 11:26:05下载
  • jumping_the_queue
    The beginning of a winter break near Spring Festival is always the beginning of a peak period of transportation. If you have ever tried to get a train ticket at that time, you must have witnessed the endless queues in front of every ticket box window. If a guy has seen his friend in a queue, then it is very much likely that this lucky guy might go straight to his friend and ask for a favor. This is called "jumping the queue". It is unfair to the rest of the people in the line, but, it is life. Your task is to write a program that simulates such a queue with people jumping in every now and then, assume that, if one in the queue has several friends asking for favors, he would arrange their requests in a queue of his own(The beginning of a winter break near Spring Festival is always the beginning of a peak perio d of transportation. If you have ever tried to ge not a train ticket at that time. you must have witnessed the endless queues in fr ont of every ticket box window. If a guy has seen h is friend in a queue, then it is very much likely that this lucky guy mi ght go straight to his friend and ask for a favor. This is called "jumping the queue." It is unfair to the rest of the people in the line, but, it is life. Your task is to write a program that si mulates such a queue with people jumping in ever y now and then, assume that, if one in the queue has several friends asking az r favors. he would arrange their requests in a queue of his own)
    2006-11-04 20:29:57下载
  • 物流系统之仓库管理
    物流系统之仓库管理 jsp javabean servlet 很详细(Logistics warehouse management system in great detail jsp javabean servlet)
    2008-04-27 19:36:58下载
  • Skin++3.0+For+VC++完全破解版
    很好的界面库,皮肤很多,都可以使用,测试通过,有兴趣的看看,很好的界面库,皮肤很多,都可以使用,测试通过,有兴趣的看看,(Very good interface library, a lot of skin, can be used, test passed, interested to see, a good interface library, a lot of skin, can be used, test passed, interested to see.)
    2020-06-23 02:40:01下载
  • 一个很好的网络服务器序, 说明了服务器的基本方式,并很好的说明了服务器多线处理方式,对初学网络的朋友有很好的指导意义...
    一个很好的网络服务器程序, 说明了服务器的基本编程方式,并很好的说明了服务器多线程处理方式,对初学网络编程的朋友有很好的指导意义-a good network server that the server"s basic programming, and a good example of a multi-threaded server approach to network programming when a friend is a good guide
    2022-02-15 05:12:04下载
  • word-change
    接收从键盘输入的字符串(字符串中包含数字、大写字符、小写字符及标点符号等等,字符串以回车符作为结束符),编写程序将其中的小写字符转换成大写字符,然后将转换后的字符串显示在屏幕上。(Receiving (string contains numbers, uppercase characters, lowercase characters and punctuation marks, etc., as the end string carriage return character) a string of keyboard input, write a program in which lowercase characters to uppercase characters, and then the converted string is displayed on the screen.)
    2016-06-19 08:59:19下载
  • OpenCV 3计算机视觉 Python语言实现(第二版)
    说明:  OpenCV 3计算机视觉 Python语言实现(第二版)(OpenCV 3 Computer Vision Python Language Implementation (Second Edition))
    2020-11-06 10:19:50下载
  • mm_qcamera_unit_test
    Main binary for DM. For a high-level overview, please see dm README.
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