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于 2016-12-28 发布 文件大小:17KB
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  A simple graphics class for 2D drawing



0 个回复

  • AddPalette
    在AutoCAD中添加一个自定义分页侧边栏。(In AutoCAD add a custom tab sidebar.)
    2020-11-29 14:09:29下载
  • the-image-tube-CAD
    本文以电场的三大定理、连续超张弛迭代算法、拉格朗日插值算法等原理知识作为理论基础,以 C 语言为编程工具,将由根据以上物理和数学原理所推导出来的模型转化为可以计算像管内电势的 CAD 程序软件。所编写的程序可以在给定像管参数和电极电位的情况下,计算圆柱形像管内任意一点的电位大小,并绘制出像管内的等势线;拉格朗日插值得到对称轴上任一点的电位值。 (In this paper, we base on the three theorems of the electric field, continuous ultra-relaxation iterative algorithm, and Lagrange interpolation algorithm. We use the C language as a programming tools, and transform the model derived above into a CAD software to calculate the electric potential in the image tube. In case the image tube parameters and electrode potential are known, the program written can get the potential of every point in the image tube, and plot equipotential lines inside the image tube. It can also get the potential of every point on the axis of symmetry by Lagrange interpolation. )
    2015-02-04 22:28:55下载
  • circle-fit-based-on-VC
    该程序实现圆拟合,对学习圆拟合有一定帮助。(circle fit based on VC++)
    2012-05-07 11:13:16下载
  • draw
    VC 绘图 AppWizard has created this 1 application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your 1 application.(AppWizard has created this 1 application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your 1 application.)
    2009-05-15 09:45:37下载
  • SimpleGraphicsClass_demo
    A simple graphics class for 2D drawing
    2016-12-28 03:44:35下载
  • agg-2.5
    2D图像渲染,比如反走样,mark等效果,编码风格很好,模版用的淋漓尽致(2D image rendering, such as anti-aliasing, mark, such as the effect of good coding style, the template used by most)
    2009-02-08 12:35:42下载
  • bseeelj-and-hankel-function
    用于求解各阶贝塞尔函数和汉克尔函数零点,希望对大家有帮助。(besselj and hankel functions)
    2014-08-19 21:22:19下载
  • tuxiiangluoji
    matlab图形逻辑处理程序,好程序共同分享。(matlab graphical logic handler, a good program to share.)
    2012-10-29 18:43:05下载
  • Afuzhuangcadsp
    服装CAD源代码,可以进行bspline的打断分割割,裁减操作,而且还可以解析shx字库,进行标注等。 (Garment CAD source code can be bspline split the interrupted cut cut operation, but also can resolve shx font marked.)
    2012-09-08 12:55:50下载
  • computergraphicsprogramming
    说明:  我对计算机图形学的编程实践,包括画直线、反走样直线、画圆、 画椭圆、画矩形、画多边形、矩形填充、多边形填充、3D变换、光照、贴图等。由于 精力有限,未对原码做任何注释。出于简化编程的考虑,许多地方指定了常数,未做 通用处理。解压缩后建立gui16目录,在其下有原代码和工程文件。在gui16下建立 release目录,其下有一可执行文件及其所须的位图及模型文件。如在release目录之 外执行程序,必须复制所需位图及模型文件。 必须复制的文件: Chopper.asc chopper.bmp cp.bmp end.BMP end.txt w1.bmp w2.bmp w3.bmp 如有问题欢迎大家和我交流! 联系方式: e-mail:cproom@163.net http://cproom.yeah.net 通讯地址:陕西省西安市太白南路202号(骊山微电子公司)陈鹏(收) 邮编  :710065 电话  :(029)-8234582(computer graphics programming using GDI)
    2010-04-17 07:13:59下载
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