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于 2010-09-14 发布 文件大小:642KB
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说明:  matlab中一些重要的课件和资料,比较有用啊!(matlab courseware and some important information, more useful ah!)



0 个回复

  • trainList
    PCA人脸识别 This package implements basic Principal Component Analysis in Matlab and tests is with grayscale portion of the FERET database. Images are not preprocessed and it is up to the user to preprocess the images as wanted, not changing the filenames(PCA Face Recognition This package implements basic Principal Component Analysis in Matlab andtests is with grayscale portion of the FERET database. Images are notpreprocessed and it is up to the user to preprocess the images as wanted, not changing the filenames)
    2008-05-16 22:34:23下载
  • myaa
    matlab code for Myaa - My Anti-Alias for Matlab
    2015-02-03 15:51:43下载
  • Klobuchar_Model1
    klobuchar模型需要导航文件和观测文件(The Klobuchar model requires navigation files and observation files)
    2020-12-13 20:29:17下载
  • GaussianPyramid
    Gaussian Pyramid Matlab
    2010-02-25 02:50:19下载
  • pingfanggen
    说明:  平方根 求解线性方程组的解 数值计算(The square root of the solution for solving linear equations)
    2011-02-27 22:43:59下载
  • Getting-Started-with-MATLAB
    本书以MATLAB 7为版本,由浅入深地介绍MATLAB的工作环境、基本语法、数值运算、符号运算、二维和三维图像创建与编辑、高级图形图像处理、句柄图形、图形用户操作接口(GUI)、程序设计与调试、M文件的使用、MATLAB编译器、Simulink交互式仿真集成环境的应用,以及MATLAB的外围功能和应用程序接口等内容;并通过MATLAB在高等数学、信号处理及数字通信、数字图像处理方面的应用,介绍MATLAB在实际中的应用。(Book MATLAB 7 to version, it gradually introduces the MATLAB environment, basic grammar, numerical computation, symbolic computation, two-dimensional and three-dimensional image creation and editing, advanced graphics, image processing, handle graphics, graphical user interfaces operate (GUI ), program design and debugging, M file usage, MATLAB Compiler, Simulink simulation integrated environment for interactive applications, and MATLAB peripheral functions and application programming interfaces, etc. and through MATLAB in advanced mathematics, signal processing, and digital communications, digital image processing applications, the introduction of MATLAB in practical application.)
    2013-11-15 09:59:21下载
    matlab各种命令大全,包含各种matlab命令,方便初学者对命令的熟悉(matlab various commands Guinness, matlab command includes a variety of easy familiarity with the command for beginners)
    2010-11-11 14:29:48下载
    Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation Routines in C, C++, Fortran, Java, Maple, and MATLAB
    2014-12-27 16:00:20下载
  • Untitled2
    利用函数生成一组数据用以模拟电力现场测试数据的MATLAB程序(Function MATLAB program to generate a set of data used to simulate the power of the field test data)
    2012-10-27 18:48:08下载
  • Fuzzy_logic_simulink
    Simulink files: · HeaterTest.mdl Heater test model in Simulink(Requires HdataM) · TSKHeater.mdl Heater control using TSK alg(Requires HdataM,HdataF,HdataTd) · MamdaniTest.mdl Simple Mamdani test model(Requires Mdata) · Mamdani9Test.mdl 9 rule Mamdani test model(Requires Mdata) · Mamdani25Test.mdl" 25 rule Mamdani test model(Requires Mdata25) · EngineTest.mdl Vehicle engine test model in Simulink(Requires VdataM,VdataC) · MamdaniVehicle.mdl Vehicle control via simple Mamdani FLC(Requires VdataM,VdataF) · Mamdani9Vehicle.mdl Vehicle control via 9 rule Mamdani FLC(Requires VdataM,VdataF) · Mamdani25Vehicle.mdl Vehicle control via 25 rule Mamdani FLC(Requires VdataM,VdataF25) · OptimalVehicle.mdl Vehicle control via simple LQ alg(Requires VdataM,VdataC)
    2012-09-15 10:46:44下载
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