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于 2016-12-09 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  基于PCNN的数字图像噪声滤除算法,可以在matlab平台上进行仿真实验,效果较好。(Filtered algorithm based on digital image noise PCNN)





0 个回复

  • Robot_inversion
    基于神经网络观测器的单关节机械手反演控制。将估计速度代替实际速度,可实现无需实际速度信号检测的控制(Single-joint robot based on neural network observer inversion control. Instead of the actual speed of the estimated velocity can be achieved without the control of the actual speed signal detection)
    2020-09-09 11:08:02下载
  • Averaging-Filter
    均值滤波器,基于matlab开发的,对于白噪声具有较好的效果(averaging filter,developed in matlab,have good effect on white noise)
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  • 1
    说明:  人脸检测matlab程序源码,附带ppt说明和运行结果说明(matlab )
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  • Statistics--with-MATLAB
    MATLAB的统计学功能,适用于计量经济学、统计学等学科。(MATLAB for statistics)
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    王济老师《MATLAB在振动信号处理中的应用》书中源程序(Wang Ji teacher " MATLAB in Vibration Signal Processing Applications" book source)
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  • annotation_corel
    Plant Classification is the placing of known plants into groups or categories to show some relationship. They use features that can be used to group plants into a known hierarchy. This research focuses on the mobile based application for plant identification through leaf recognition. Apart using the whole plant, the automation of plant identification can be performed using various parts of a plant anatomy like stem, flower, petal, seed and leaf. This study uses the leaf part of the plant to identify a plant. The ease of creating digital images increased the need for processing power of computers and inexpensive methods. In order to gather the information, plant identification using computers has become an interesting subject of research. Global shortage of expert has further increased the demand for semi automated tools that would allow non-botanical persons to carry out valuable field work of identifying and characterizing plants.
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  • SantaPack2013_model_alfnie
    Packing Santa s Sleigh by Alfonso Nieto-Castanon
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  • chanlestimation
    generates the output sequence of a binary convolutional encoder G : N x LK Generator matrix of a convolutional code K : Number of input bits entering the encoder at each clock cycle. input: Binary input sequence state: State of the convolutional encoder termmode= trunc for no termination with all-0 state Copyleft: Won Y. Yang, wyyang53@hanmail.net, CAU for academic use only X = Known frequency-domain training symbol y = Time-domain output of the channel H_est = Estimate of the channel response
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  • pcasearch
    基于焊接图片的pca降维,knn分类算法。(Pca-based solder image dimension reduction, knn classification algorithm.)
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  • ML-synchronization
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