Fiber Laser simulation
模拟光纤激光器 ,长度,浓度,及泵浦功率之间的关系(The relationship between the length, the concentration, and the pump power of the analog fiber laser)
Fiber Laser simulation\Copy_of_thermalb1.m, 560 , 2018-03-20
Fiber Laser simulation\Copy_of_thermalf.m, 560 , 2002-01-01
Fiber Laser simulation\Copy_of_thermalt.m, 565 , 2002-01-01
Fiber Laser simulation\linshi_1.m, 5262 , 2018-03-21
Fiber Laser simulation\numercialtwoend.m, 3667 , 2016-08-13
Fiber Laser simulation\Numerical.m, 10764 , 2018-03-21
Fiber Laser simulation\numericalbackward.m, 3503 , 2002-01-01
Fiber Laser simulation\numericalforward.m, 3475 , 2014-08-17
Fiber Laser simulation\RangKuta.m, 11069 , 2016-08-13
Fiber Laser simulation\Start.m, 396 , 2016-08-13
Fiber Laser simulation\stress.m, 444 , 2016-08-29
Fiber Laser simulation\thermalb.m, 1730 , 2018-03-16
Fiber Laser simulation\thermalf.m, 1691 , 2014-08-17
Fiber Laser simulation\thermalt.m, 2441 , 2002-01-01
Fiber Laser simulation, 0 , 2018-03-22