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%5BTVrip%5D ACCA13 01 - 12

于 2018-03-27 发布 文件大小:128KB
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0 个回复

  • LedAndMusic
    采用凌阳SECE061A板,外接发光二极管来设计一个语音跑马灯,具体功能如下: 1. 采用61板播放一小段语音。 2. 用发光二极管显示声音的大小。 3. 可以扩展为让声音一直循环播放。(By Ling Yang SECE061A board, an external LED to design a voice Marquee, specific functions are as follows: 1. By 61 board plays a brief speech. 2. With a voice the size of the light-emitting diode display. 3. Could have been extended to allow the sound loop.)
    2011-05-10 08:52:03下载
  • main
    说明:  使用msp430单片机控制小车的舵机转角和驱动电机调速(Msp430 microcontroller controlled car using the steering angle and the drive motor speed)
    2021-03-08 16:09:28下载
  • 19. 电容触摸按键实验(PZ6806D支持)
    基于STM32的触摸屏实验。使用TFT液晶屏。(Touch Screen Experiment Based on STM32)
    2019-04-13 11:28:29下载
  • BeagleBoard-XM
    TI BeagleBoard-XM的開機映像檔,將其解壓縮後,執行其中的sh檔即可自動將你的uSD卡格式化並安置好開機映像檔,其中包含一個readme文檔,可參照其方式執行。(TI BeagleBoard-XM s boot images,uncompress it and execute the .sh file then it can automatically format your uSD card and make install the boot images in it.There is a readme file included and can be followed.)
    2011-12-15 11:27:12下载
  • dandaoxian
    传输线等值电路计算实例,已调试成功,输出波形正确。(Transmission line equivalent circuit calculation example, has been successful commissioning, the output waveform is correct.)
    2021-05-13 06:30:02下载
  • !power_11acdrive
    电机控制的第一手资料,非常全面仔细,可以对伺服控制系统的编码器有很深的了解。(Firsthand motor control, very comprehensive carefully servo control system can have a deep understanding of the encoder.)
    2014-04-04 09:05:46下载
  • ZZ2014111111
    气体传感器采样与无线数据传输并发送至电脑 cc2530,多通道数据传输,IAR版本为8.1(Gas sensor sampling and wireless data transmission and sent to the computer cc2530, multi-channel data transmission, IAR version 8.1)
    2014-09-26 16:41:16下载
  • The-virtual-oscilloscope
    1、掌握利用A/D转换和计算机资源实现示波器的设计方法。 2、设计虚拟示波器。 3、建立NI-DAQmx仿真设备,选择E系列中的NI PCI-6071E数据采集卡的仿真模块,通过DAQmx物理通道识别,产生模拟信号,然后基于LabVIEW开发平台设计实现虚拟示波器。(1, master the use of A/D conversion and the design method of the computer resources to realize the oscilloscope. 2, the design of virtual oscilloscope. 3, establishment of NI- DAQmx simulation equipment, select the NI PCI- 6071- E E series simulation module of data acquisition card via DAQmx physical channel identification, produce analog signal, and then design the virtual oscilloscope based on LabVIEW development platform.)
    2013-12-29 16:52:31下载
  • Temperature-display
    一个单片机应用的代码,可实现基于单片机的温度数码管显示,经验证可编译通过并实现(A microcontroller application code, enabling microcontroller-based digital temperature display, proven to compile and implement)
    2011-12-13 12:37:47下载
  • 240128
    240128演示程序 采用t6963演示汉字(unsigned int i,j CmdWrite(0x5c) DataWrite(0x00) DataWrite(0x00) CmdWrite(0x46) DataWrite(0x00) DataWrite(0x04) //csr=0x0400 字摸地址80H CmdWrite(0x4c) CmdWrite(0x42) )
    2021-01-28 13:58:34下载
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