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于 2018-03-18 发布 文件大小:292KB
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  Cplex是一种用于GAMS (The General Algebraic Modeling System,通用代数建模系统)的求解器,它使得用户可以把GAMS(通用代数建模系统的)的高级建模功能跟Cplex优化器的优势结合起来。Cplex优化器是为能快速、最少用户干预地解决大型、复杂问题而设计的。求解线性、二次约束和混合整数规划问题的Cplex算法现在已提供访问(针对恰当的许可证)。尽管现存有多种求解工具,但是,GAMS/Cplex能自动地为特定问题计算最优值和设置大部分选项。(Cplex is a solver for GAMS (The General Algebraic Modeling System, general algebraic modeling system), which enables users to combine the advanced modeling function of GAMS (general algebraic modeling system) with the advantages of Cplex optimizer. The Cplex optimizer is designed to solve large, complex problems with rapid and minimal user intervention. The Cplex algorithm for solving linear, two - time constraints, and mixed integer programming problems has now provided access (for appropriate licenses). Although there are many existing solutions, GAMS/Cplex can automatically calculate the optimal value for a specific problem and set most of the options.)


cplex翻译完全版.doc, 480256 , 2018-03-17



0 个回复

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