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  在心电信号中混入50HZ工频噪声,并设计自适应滤波器消除消除工频噪声。程序附有详细文字解释,可运行。(In the ECG signal mixed with 50HZ frequency noise, and design of adaptive filter to eliminate the elimination of power frequency noise. The program is accompanied by a detailed text explanation, can run.)





0 个回复

  • Rayleigh
    说明:  matlab中基于瑞利衰落信道的模型仿真(matlab based on Rayleigh fading channel model simulation)
    2011-04-15 08:42:03下载
  • newfly
    Design of flyback converter
    2020-06-17 04:20:02下载
  • mm
    说明:  生成单位正方形上均匀分布的1行10000列随机数,并画散点图。(A random number of 1 rows and 10000 columns of a uniform distribution on a square square is generated and a scatter plot is drawn.)
    2018-03-24 09:55:05下载
  • matlab-danbai-model
    用matlab模拟的单摆模型程序,简单有效(Pendulum model with a matlab simulation program, simple and effective)
    2011-09-02 17:05:42下载
  • chengxu
    S函数编写的自抗扰控制器,已经试验过,没有问题(ADRC controller is written by S function, it has been tested and there is no problem.)
    2013-10-13 13:53:08下载
  • adaptive_line_enhancer
    现代数字信号处理,自适应谱线增强,求解自相关函数,输入输出信号作比较。(Modern digital signal processing, adaptive line enhancement, solving autocorrelation function, input and output signals for comparison.)
    2013-11-17 09:43:05下载
  • Liu-
    liu超混沌系统的时序图及liu超混沌系统的相轨迹图的程序(Timing Diagram liu liu hyperchaotic system and hyperchaotic system phase trajectory program)
    2020-11-02 11:09:54下载
  • slope_3
    本算法是基于MATLAB平台开发的一个求解夹角(或者说是斜率),可以求解两条近似垂直的直线之间的夹角。(This algorithm is based on the platform of MATLAB to solve a angle (or a slope) can be solved approximately perpendicular angle between two straight lines between.)
    2016-09-24 09:31:54下载
  • K-meanCluster
    How the K-mean Cluster work Step 1. Begin with a decision the value of k = number of clusters Step 2. Put any initial partition that classifies the data into k clusters. You may assign the training samples randomly, or systematically as the following: Take the first k training sample as single-element clusters Assign each of the remaining (N-k) training sample to the cluster with the nearest centroid. After each assignment, recomputed the centroid of the gaining cluster. Step 3 . Take each sample in sequence and compute its distance from the centroid of each of the clusters. If a sample is not currently in the cluster with the closest centroid, switch this sample to that cluster and update the centroid of the cluster gaining the new sample and the cluster losing the sample. Step 4 . Repeat step 3 until convergence is achieved, that is until a pass through the training sample causes no new assignments. (How the K-mean Cluster workStep 1. Begin with a decision the value of k = number of clusters Step 2. Put any initial partition that classifies the data into k clusters. You may assign the training samples randomly, or systematically as the following: Take the first k training sample as single-element clusters Assign each of the remaining (Nk) training sample to the cluster with the nearest centroid. After each assignment, recomputed the centroid of the gaining cluster. Step 3. Take each sample in sequence and compute its distance from the centroid of each of the clusters. If a sample is not currently in the cluster with the closest centroid, switch this sample to that cluster and update the centroid of the cluster gaining the new sample and the cluster losing the sample. Step 4. Repeat step 3 until convergence is achieved, that is until a pass through the training sample causes no new assignments.)
    2007-11-15 01:49:03下载
  • matlab11
    基于matlab来描述静电场的分布,基于matlab描述电偶极子的分布。(Matlab-based to describe the distribution of electrostatic field, matlab-based description of the distribution of electric dipole.)
    2009-05-23 10:48:58下载
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