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  MATLAB三次样条插值法 求信号的包络线 源代码 MATLAB使用欧拉Euler法求解微分方程组 源程序代码 MATLAB四阶龙格库塔法 求解微分方程数值解 源程序代码 MATLAB实现txt文本数据分离的源程序代码 MATLAB实现不同插值方法的GUI界面设计 源程序代码 MATLAB实现偏微分方程的差分计算 源程序代码 MATLAB实现单摆在外力矩作用下的动画 源程序代码 MATLAB实现图像中值 均值 维纳滤波 源程序代码 MATLAB实现图像分割otsuf 源程序代码 MATLAB实现图像去噪 滤波 锐化 边缘检测 源程序代码 MATLAB实现学生成绩查询系统 源代码程序 MATLAB实现正方体旋转 源程序代码 MATLAB实现灰度预测模型的源代码 MATLAB实现线性拟合和相关系数 源程序代码 MATLAB实现股票价格预测 源程序代码 MATLAB求解偏微分方程(扩散方程)有限差分法 源程序代码 MATLAB求解无穷区间定积分问题 源程序代码 MATLAB求解混沌系统微分方程组 MATLAB求解矩阵的特征值 源程序代码 MATLAB求解非线性方程组 fsolve源程序代码 MATLAB求解非线性最小二乘法拟合问题 源程序代码 MATLAB牛顿法求解非线性方程组 源程序代码 MATLAB生成Gif图片程序源代码 MATLAB设计的简单滤波器程序源代码(MATLAB cubic spline interpolation request signal envelope source code MATLAB Euler Euler method to solve differential equations of the source code MATLAB fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to solve differential equations MATLAB source code to achieve txt text data separation MATLAB source code to achieve different interpolation methods GUI interface design source code MATLAB source code to achieve the difference calculation of partial differential equations MATLAB animated source code under the pendulum effect of the external torque values ​ ​ mean in MATLAB to achieve image Wiener filtering source Code MATLAB image segmentation otsuf source code MATLAB for image Restoration filter sharpening edge detection MATLAB source code to achieve student achievement inquiry system source code program MATLAB source code MATLAB rotating cube to achieve grayscale forecasting model source code MATLAB for linear fitting and correlation coefficient MATLAB source code to achieve stock price pred)


......................\MATLAB三次样条插值法 求信号的包络线 源代码
......................\MATLAB使用欧拉Euler法求解微分方程组 源程序代码
......................\MATLAB四阶龙格库塔法 求解微分方程数值解 源程序代码
......................\MATLAB实现不同插值方法的GUI界面设计 源程序代码
......................\MATLAB实现偏微分方程的差分计算 源程序代码
......................\MATLAB实现单摆在外力矩作用下的动画 源程序代码
......................\MATLAB实现图像中值 均值 维纳滤波 源程序代码

......................\MATLAB实现图像分割otsuf 源程序代码


......................\MATLAB实现图像去噪 滤波 锐化 边缘检测 源程序代码

......................\MATLAB实现学生成绩查询系统 源代码程序
......................\MATLAB实现正方体旋转 源程序代码
......................\MATLAB实现线性拟合和相关系数 源程序代码
......................\MATLAB实现股票价格预测 源程序代码
......................\MATLAB求解偏微分方程(扩散方程)有限差分法 源程序代码
......................\MATLAB求解无穷区间定积分问题 源程序代码
......................\MATLAB求解矩阵的特征值 源程序代码
......................\MATLAB求解非线性方程组 fsolve源程序代码
......................\MATLAB求解非线性最小二乘法拟合问题 源程序代码
......................\MATLAB牛顿法求解非线性方程组 源程序代码



0 个回复

  • matlab
    2010-06-29 10:09:12下载
    数据变换,对于读入的数据从新排列其顺序,以便更好的显示(Data transformation, the data read from the new order with its order to better display)
    2009-05-07 10:07:44下载
  • NR
    说明:  pq分解法解电力系统潮流程序,不包含算列,用ieee节点信息(pq decouple)
    2011-04-07 20:53:23下载
  • bodafangxiang_1
    天线方向图的波达方向,用于描述回波的方向图1,可以用于初学者学习使用(the antenna dir)
    2010-11-13 18:19:07下载
  • linecoords
    Edge detection result should be enhanced using linear method like Median filter to remove the garbage around the pupil to gain clear pupil to determine perfect centre. Get the centre of the pupil by counting the number of black pixels (zero value) of each column and row. Then get each row and column that has the maximum number of these black pixels. Then determine the center by simple calculation according to the image coordinate to set it correct on the image, consequently we can determine the radius of the pupil. Thus we can find the pupillary boundary (inner). A similar procedure is extended by using a coarse scale to locate the outer boundary (limbus) which can be apparent by using the mid-point algorithms of circle and ellipse.
    2011-11-18 02:06:20下载
  • maltab-GUI-for--calibration
    了解matlab的GUI是如何使用。并对发动机进行交互界面开发。(Understand how to use matlab GUI is. And the engine interface development. )
    2014-11-20 22:03:18下载
  • matlabshipinduqu
    matlab视频读取,已经试用过,可以用。(Matlab Video read, has been tested and can use.)
    2006-11-01 09:52:22下载
  • chisquare_solve
    wavelet,can try it over matlab 6.0(wavelet, can try it over matlab 6.0)
    2010-12-14 04:21:03下载
  • AB
    说明:  基于MMSE准则LS /涡轮译码算法和平衡MIMO迭代算法的性能比较(Based on MMSE criterion LS/Turbo decoding algorithm and balanced MIMO iterative algorithm performance comparison)
    2010-05-25 11:44:01下载
  • qaskawelch
    使用MATLAB仿真ask信号,并画出眼图,使用窗函数对数据进行功率谱计算,并画图(Use the data window function power spectrum calculation, and drawing)
    2013-11-20 21:30:58下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104444会员总数
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