用stm32cubemx生成的usb键盘已经配置好带led反回功能(stm32cubemx usb key led ok ok)
- 2021-04-21 20:18:49下载
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采用压力传感器实现重量信号采集,然后就给放大滤波后送给A/D,经单片机进行数据处理,LCD作为显示(The pressure sensor achieve weight signal acquisition, and then to enlarge filtered gave A/D, SCM data processing, LCD as display)
- 2010-12-09 19:02:25下载
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- 2010-05-27 11:04:42下载
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stm32f10xx_spi_demo with AT45DB041D
- 2013-05-08 17:07:47下载
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说明: 51网站上下载的利用蓝牙控制小车和舵机的程序,可实现蓝牙控制舵机(The program downloaded from website 51 that uses Bluetooth to control the car can realize Bluetooth to control the car.)
- 2020-06-20 23:00:01下载
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跑马灯又叫走马灯、串马灯。由毛竹编织成马头,马尾,属于灯笼的一种。是传统特色手工艺品,亦是传统节日玩具之一。在过去,跑马灯一般在春节等喜庆的日子里才表演,由二十来位11—14岁小孩组成,边跳边唱,根据节奏快慢形成不同阵势,有喜庆、丁财两旺、五谷丰登的寓意。跑马灯属系在身上糊上颜色鲜艳的纸,如今已由丝绸取代(Entertaining diversions also called regimes, string of lantern.
Woven from bamboo horsehead, horsetail, belongs to a kind of lanterns.
Is a traditional arts and crafts, and it is one of the traditional holiday toys.
In the past, entertaining diversions generally festive days before performance, such as the Spring Festival is composed of twenty to 11-14 years old children, dance while singing, according to different rhythm form appearance, have a festival, Ding Cai flourish, the meaning of good harvest.
Entertaining diversions on the body belong to paste on the colored paper, is now replaced by the silk)
- 2020-06-18 01:20:01下载
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基于STM32F103的文件管理系统。移植了FATFS文件系统,从SD卡中读取JPEG与bmp格试图片,然后显示。并带有触摸功能(The file management system based on STM32F103.Transplant FATFS file system, the SD card read JPEG and BMP test images, and then display.And with touch function)
- 2020-06-29 19:20:01下载
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串口输出GPS数据 (地图值)
说明: STM32F4+HAL库+GPS+地图值,在串口显示(STM32F4+HAL Library+GPS+Map Value, Displayed in Serial Port)
- 2020-07-23 08:58:45下载
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stm32 串口 时钟,跑马灯 实验代码 。 包含函数库法和 寄存器两种方法。(stm32 serial clock, marquees experimental code. Kufa and register contains the function in two ways.)
- 2014-12-11 01:00:08下载
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jlx12864-99液晶屏C51驱动测试程序,希望对拥有该屏的初学者有用。(jlx12864-99 C51 LCD driver testing procedures, we hope to have the screen useful for beginners.)
- 2021-02-20 10:59:43下载
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