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于 2016-09-19 发布 文件大小:11KB
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  PMSM基于分立模块,就是根据电机内部点此关系搭建的模型,对PMSM运行原理的掌握有好处。(PMSM based on discrete module is based on the relationship between the motor inside Click here to build a model of PMSM operating principle grasp good.)



0 个回复

  • pathline
    粒子群算法求解机器人路径规划的MATLAB算法(the pathline of robot)
    2020-07-04 03:40:02下载
  • try2
    costas 环的simulik建模与仿真(costas Central simulik Modeling and Simulation)
    2007-05-02 11:30:04下载
  • Principal-component-analysis
    用于主成分分析学习,非常强大,一学就会,分享了(for Principal component analysis )
    2011-08-08 23:36:41下载
  • road
    BP神经网络预测公路运量 1.问题的描述 公路运量主要包括公路的客运量和公路货运量两个方面。据研究,某地区的公路运量主要与该地区的人数、机动车数量和公路面积有关,表1给出了20年得公路运量相关数据,表中人数和公路客运量的单位为万人,机动车数量单位为万两,公路面积的单位为万平方千米,公路货运量单位为万吨。 根据有关部门数据,该地区2010年和2011年的人数分别为73.39和75.55万人,机动车数量分别为3.9635和4.0975万辆,公路面积将分别为0.9880和1.0268万平方米。请利用BP神经网络预测该地区2010年2011年得公路客运量和公路货运量。 (BP neural network to predict the road traffic (1) description of the problem of road traffic including road passenger and road freight volume two. According to research, an area of ​ ​ road traffic and the number of the region, the number of motor vehicles and road area, Table 1 shows the 20 years have to road traffic-related data, the table number and road passenger traffic units for people , million two units of the number of motor vehicles, road area in square kilometers, the highway freight volume was 10 000 tons. According to relevant data, the number of people of the region in 2010 and 2011 were 73.39 and 75.55 million, the number of motor vehicles were 3.9635 and 4.0975 million units, the road area were 0.9880 and 1.0268 million square meters. Please use the BP neural network in the region in 2011, 2010 have highway passenger volume and road cargo.)
    2012-08-13 20:09:28下载
  • fangcha
    信号方差计算,对初学者有很大帮助.请有用的欢迎下载(Signal variance, of great help for beginners. Useful welcome to download)
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