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于 2016-09-12 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  表示出两帧图像间各个像素点的相对情况,利用最小二乘法进行拟合多元非线性方程,包括AHP,因子分析,回归分析,聚类分析。( Between two images showing the relative circumstances of each pixel, Multivariate least squares fitting method of nonlinear equations, Including AHP, factor analysis, regression analysis, cluster analysis.)





0 个回复

  • zhifang
    本代码是在matlab环境下完成的数字图像的直方图均衡化(The code is in the matlab environment to complete the digital image of the histogram equalization)
    2009-04-16 09:43:16下载
  • sim_singleF_heartandbreath
    生命迹象探测步进频仿真生命迹象微弱目标探测步进频仿真(Vital signs to detect faint signs of life stepping frequency simulation target detection step frequency simulation)
    2020-11-19 10:19:37下载
  • OAPHQC27
    用C语言编写的在Simulink环境下对3相交流逆变器进行数值仿真的S函数源代码(Written in C language in the Simulink environment numerical simulation of three phase ac inverter S function source code)
    2017-08-13 19:08:21下载
  • himmelex
    Simple chemical kinetics example with 3 model parameters.
    2010-12-08 17:05:51下载
  • 压缩感知序源码 BCS
    压缩感知程序源码,Blind compressed sensing (BCS)不需要在采样和恢复阶段预先知道稀疏基。源码对于研究压缩感知前沿具有很好的借鉴意义。(The fundamental principle underlying compressed sensing is that a signal, which is sparse under some basis representation, can be recovered from a small number of linear measurements. However, prior knowledge of the sparsity basis is essential for the recovery process. Blind compressed sensing (BCS) avoids the need to know the sparsity basis in both the sampling and the recovery process. That is, BCS aims at recovering an ensemble of vectors, all sparse under the same unknown basis, given small number of linear measurements of these vectors. )
    2020-06-29 05:40:01下载
  • bandkz
    2d photonic band structure calculation program
    2009-05-01 19:41:37下载
  • xiashan
    MATLAB 牛顿下山法的一个小程序,原理就不详细说了。因牛顿迭代法受初值选取的限制,为防止迭代发散,对迭代过程再附加一项要求:|f(x(k+1))|<|f(x(k))|,将牛顿法迭代的结果:x(k+1) =x(k)-f(x(k))/f (x(k))和前一近似值x(k)适当加权平均做为新的改进值:x(k+1)=u*x(k+1) +(1-u)*x(k),其中u(0<> 迭代时u取1开始,逐次减半计算,直至附加要求符合为止。实例计算中x(k)=x(0)不变,只更新u和x(k+1),直至:|f(x(k+1))|<|f(x(k))|(即|f(x(1))|<|f(x(0))|),然后更新下山因子为u=1,继续以牛顿法迭代。(MATLAB Newton-down a small program, the principle is not explained in detail. Newton iteration by the initial value of the selected limit, in order to prevent additional iterative divergence, the iterative process a request: | f (x (k+1)) | < | f (x (k)) | Newton iteration Results: x (k+1) ' = X (k)-f (x (k))/f' (x (k)) and a previous approximation x (k), appropriately weighted average as a new improved value: x (k+1 ) = u* x (k+1) ' + (1-u)* x (k), where u (0 < u> iteration take successive calculated at 50 until the additional requirements found so far. examples of calculation of X ( k) = x (0) unchanged profile u and x (k+1, hungry) until: | f (x (k+1)) | < | f (x (k)) | (i.e. | f (x (1)) | < | f (x (0)) |), then profile downhill factor for u = 1, to continue to Newton iteration.)
    2013-05-15 08:52:09下载
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    matlab code for different windows like hanning window, kaiser window, desimator generator
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  • affineTransform
    计算图像的仿射变换matlab函数,输入原图像和变换矩阵,输出变换完的矩阵。(Calculate the image affine transformation matlab function, enter the original image and the transformation matrix the output After transformation matrix.)
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