通过这一算法可以实现二维平面内无人机的路径规划。在该平面内存在已知的障碍,势场法通过给终点添加引力,对障碍增加斥力,使得无人机能够顺利的避障并到达终点。通过对传统势场法的改进,避免了无人机容易陷入极值的问题,使搜索更易实现。(Through this algorithm, the path planning of the UAV in the two-dimensional plane can be realized. There are known obstacles in the plane. The potential field method adds gravity to the terminal to increase the repulsion for obstacles, so that the UAV can avoid obstacles and reach the terminal smoothly. Through the improvement of the traditional potential field method, it avoids the problem that the UAV is easily trapped in the extreme value and makes the search more easy to be realized.)
势场法-改进, 0 , 2017-05-19
势场法-改进\compute_angle.m, 486 , 2017-05-19
__MACOSX, 0 , 2017-05-19
__MACOSX\势场法-改进, 0 , 2017-05-19
__MACOSX\势场法-改进\._compute_angle.m, 210 , 2017-05-19
势场法-改进\compute_Attract.m, 237 , 2017-05-19
__MACOSX\势场法-改进\._compute_Attract.m, 210 , 2017-05-19
势场法-改进\compute_repulsion.m, 1402 , 2017-05-19
__MACOSX\势场法-改进\._compute_repulsion.m, 210 , 2017-05-19
势场法-改进\Main.m, 2527 , 2017-05-19
__MACOSX\势场法-改进\._Main.m, 210 , 2017-05-19