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New Folder

于 2021-04-21 发布 文件大小:1212KB
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 52


  自适应滑模控制器设计,针对姿态控制的自适应滑模(Design of adaptive sliding mode controller)


New Folder\DATA1\fun_FontSizeSet.m, 464, 2015-05-30
New Folder\DATA1\M1.mat, 670658, 2017-12-16
New Folder\DATA1\PLOTFIGURES.m, 2709, 2017-12-21
New Folder\DATA2\fun_FontSizeSet.m, 464, 2015-05-30
New Folder\DATA2\M2.mat, 456968, 2017-12-14
New Folder\DATA2\M3.mat, 111943, 2017-12-16
New Folder\DATA2\PLOTFIGURES.m, 2726, 2017-12-21
New Folder\DATA1
New Folder\DATA2
New Folder



0 个回复

  • IEEEXplore_2
    I want matlab code of this paper
    2010-03-16 01:58:43下载
  • genetic-algorithm
    遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm)是模拟达尔文生物进化论的自然选择和遗传学机理的生物进化过程的计算模型,是一种通过模拟自然进化过程搜索最优解的方法(Genetic Algorithm)
    2012-04-26 21:56:48下载
  • DSP-Using-Matlab_code
    数字信号处理(matlab版)随书源代码,作者维纳K英格尔,柳树堂译,本书提供大量的数字信号处理matlab程序,讲解数字信号处理知识,使得学习很容易上手(Digital signal processing (matlab version) source code with the book, the author Wiener K Ingle, Liushu Tang translation, the book provides a large number of digital signal processing matlab program, explain the knowledge of digital signal processing, makes learning very easy to use)
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  • MATLAB-Graphics
    首先介绍MATLAB的基本知识及基本运算,使读者对MATLAB有一个概略的了解,然后系统论述图形绘制技术的基本概念、工作原理及在工程中的应用。书中精选科学和工程中常用的多个算法,全部采用MATLAB语言编程实现,并结合实例对算法程序进行验证和分析。其中详细讲解了MATLAB的基本知识、二维图形的绘制、三维图形的绘制、高级图形绘制技术、动画与视频、几何造型及GUI的程序设计等内容。(First introduced in MATLAB basic knowledge and basic operations, allowing the reader to have a rough understanding of MATLAB and then systematically discusses the basic concepts of graphics rendering technology, working principle and in engineering. The book featured commonly used in science and engineering multiple algorithms, all using MATLAB programming language, with examples for algorithm verification and analysis. Which explained in detail the basics of MATLAB, two-dimensional graphics rendering, 3D graphics rendering, advanced graphics rendering, animation and video, geometric modeling and GUI programming and other content.)
    2013-11-13 20:57:06下载
  • 20130812143222815875
    Z源逆变器的光伏系统仿真,对象是直流无刷电机,理论很深,对写论文有帮助(Z-source inverter PV system simulation, the object is a DC brushless motor, deep theory, help to write papers)
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  • danchunxing
    求解线性规划的单纯形法,M文件,里面有注释,可以求标准的线性规划问题。(Solve the linear programming of the simplex method, there are comments )
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  • 均匀线阵方向图
    说明:  对均匀线性阵列方向图进行仿真,为大家研究mimo雷达或者相控阵雷达方向图提供思路(Simulate the uniform linear array pattern to provide ideas for studying the mimo radar or phased array radar pattern)
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  • Hounsfield
    Matlab routine to calculate the Hounsfield CT Numbers
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  • the-parachute
    在数学建模培训中,降落伞问题很是突出,联系此题对同学有很大的提高,从而程序也很重要。所以发此文件。(Parachute Su snow modeling program title race body)
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  • vectoriel
    this is a matlab file that contains a simulink simulation of a vctor control using simulink blocs of matlab
    2014-12-31 22:03:27下载
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