猜数字:由计算机随机产生一个1~10000以内的数字,用户根据提示猜出该数字,功能要求如下: (1)游戏结束条件:1)在规定时间内正确猜出该数字;2)规定用时耗完。 (2)游戏提示:根据用户的输入与所产生数字的大小关系给出正确提示,例如,随机产生数为5000,若用户输入6000,则提示“高了”,若用户输入4000,则提示“低了”。 (3)游戏结果显示:1)若用户在规定时间内正确猜出数字,则显示“恭喜!正确猜出数字***。”;2)若到达规定时间但并未猜出,则显示“很遗憾,未能在规定时间内猜出正确数字,该数字为***。” ,其中,“***”表示所需猜出的随机数。 (4)游戏时间设置:可由用户灵活设置游戏时间,此部分内容应在游戏开始前完成。 (5)游戏退出设置:在每轮游戏结束之后,给出提示语,请用户选择是否继续游戏。 (Guess the Numbers: randomly generated by computer within a 1 ~ 10000 Numbers, according to the user to guess the Numbers, functional requirements are as follows: (1) the game conditions: 1) correctly guess the number within the given time 2) regulation is run out. (2) game tip: according to the size of the user input and produced digital relationships give prompt, correct, for example, random number is 5000, if the user input, 6000 indicates that high , if the user input, 4000 indicates that the low . (3) the game results showed: 1) if the user within the prescribed time to guess the Numbers correctly, is displayed congratulations! Guess the right number***. 2) but not guess, if arrive time required is displayed it s a pity that failed to guess the right number within the prescribed time, the number is***. , among them, *** needed to guess the random Numbers. (4) : time setting can be set by the user the game time, this part should be completed before the start of the ga)