首页 » matlab » boost_voltage_loop


于 2020-12-19 发布 文件大小:22KB
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  单闭环Boost电路,采用电压环闭环控制。(Single closed-loop Boost circuit, the use of voltage loop closed-loop control.)


boost_voltage_loop.slx, 23185, 2017-11-06



0 个回复

  • Analog-circuit
    跟我学模拟电路,电子技术的入门书籍,希望对大家有用(Me to study the analog circuits, electronic entry books, and the hope that useful)
    2012-02-28 20:40:25下载
  • phase-II-isolated-building
    this is benchmark of ASCE committee
    2020-07-16 21:58:49下载
  • Solar_MPPT_Resistaince_load
    Solar_MPPT_Resistaince_load.zip 光伏发电 最大功率捕获(Solar MPPT Resistaince load )
    2012-04-18 00:20:47下载
  • 41695070dongruanC
    程序教程,程 序教程,程序教程,(Tutorial program, the program curriculum, procedures and guidance)
    2008-07-17 16:13:18下载
  • soft-starter
    对软启动器搭建的基本拓扑,用于初学者的研究,是在matlab环境下搭建的,用于仿真计算。(The basic topology of the soft starter, which is used for beginners, is built in the MATLAB environment for simulation.)
    2018-01-18 14:21:31下载
  • yixueC
    易学C++,C++入门书箱,很不错的一本书,是中文版的,不知道本站有没有 先发上来吧 呵呵(Learn C++, C++ primer box, very good book, is the Chinese version, did not know there are no start on site Come Oh)
    2010-09-09 20:39:02下载
  • shejiwendang
    软件工程文档,软件工程设计的模板,此文档仅仅作为实习参考范例,有关软件分析与设计的文档写作细节请大家针对性参考软件工程相关资料(Software engineering documents, software engineering, design templates, practical information in this document only as an example, the analysis and design of software documentation writing specific details please refer to the software engineering data)
    2010-05-22 22:49:42下载
  • ruangong1
    软件工程模拟试题及答案软件工程模拟试题及答案软件工程模拟试题及答案(Software engineering simulation software engineering simulation questions and answers Questions and answers questions and answers engineering simulation software)
    2010-08-19 16:40:53下载
  • Software-Engineering
    本书全面系统地讲述了软件工程的概念、原理和典型的方法学,并介绍了软件项目的管理技术。本书正文共13章,第1章是概述,第2章至第8章顺序讲述软件生命周期各阶段的任务、过程、结构化方法和工具,第9章至第12章分别讲述面向对象方法学引论、面向对象分析、面向对象设计和面向对象实现,第13章介绍软件项目管理。正文后面有两个附录,分别讲述了用面向对象方法和结构化方法开发两个软件的过程,对读者深入理解软件工程学很有帮助,也是上机实习的好材料。 本书可作为高等院校“软件工程”课程的教材或教学参考书,也可供有一定实际经验的软件工作人员和需要开发应用软件的广大计算机用户阅读参考。 (This book comprehensively and systematically describes the concept of software engineering principles and typical methodologies, and introduces software project management techniques. Text book of 13 chapters, Chapter 1 is an overview, Chapter 2 to Chapter 8 describes the sequence of the various stages of the software lifecycle tasks, processes, methods and tools for structured, Chapter 9 to Chapter 12 were about object-oriented approach Introduction to science, object-oriented analysis, object-oriented design and object-oriented implementation, Chapter 13 describes software project management. There are two appendices behind the text, were about object-oriented methods and structured approach to develop two software products, for readers in-depth understanding of software engineering is helpful, but also on the local practice good material. This book can serve as institutions of higher learning " software engineering" course materials or teaching reference books are also avai)
    2014-04-01 08:33:49下载
  • My_Application
    ANSYS二次开发培训练习题及其答案 不知道对大家有没有用,用于二次开发的
    2012-05-04 09:26:59下载
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