灰色预测方法的特点表现在:首先是它把离散数据视为连续变量在其变化过程中所取的离散值,从而可利用微分方程式处理数据;而不直接使用原始数据而是由它产生累加生成数,对生成数列使用微分方程模型。这样,可以抵消大部分随机误差,显示出规律性。(The characteristics of the grey prediction method are as follows: First, it regards the discrete data as the discrete value of the continuous variable in its change process, so that the differential equation can be used to process the data; instead of using the original data directly, it generates the cumulative generation. Number, using a differential equation model for generating a series. In this way, most of the random errors can be offset, showing regularity.)
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灰色算法, 0 , 2019-08-17
灰色算法\灰色系统预测 .doc, 487936 , 2017-02-08