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vscap\AutopanSpeed.cpp, 2402 , 2001-10-15
vscap\AutopanSpeed.h, 1362 , 2001-08-31
vscap\CursorOptionsDlg.cpp, 17551 , 2001-10-15
vscap\CursorOptionsDlg.h, 1758 , 2001-08-29
vscap\FixedRegion.cpp, 4043 , 2001-10-15
vscap\FixedRegion.h, 1401 , 2001-09-11
vscap\FlashingWnd.cpp, 5333 , 2001-09-25
vscap\FlashingWnd.h, 1355 , 2001-09-17
vscap\hook\Debug\hook.exp, 681 , 2008-12-01
vscap\hook\Debug\hook.lib, 2118 , 2008-12-01
vscap\hook\Debug\hook.obj, 16991 , 2008-12-01
vscap\hook\Debug\hook.pdb, 549888 , 2008-12-01
vscap\hook\Debug\vc60.idb, 181248 , 2008-12-01
vscap\hook\Debug\vc60.pdb, 61440 , 2008-12-01
vscap\hook\hook.001, 3744 , 2001-09-03
vscap\hook\hook.cpp, 2936 , 2001-09-03
vscap\hook\hook.dsp, 3789 , 2008-12-01
vscap\hook\Hook.h, 1074 , 2001-08-11
vscap\hook\hook.plg, 1186 , 2008-12-01
vscap\hook\StdAfx.cpp, 203 , 2001-08-07
vscap\hook\StdAfx.h, 987 , 2001-08-07
vscap\License.txt, 1978 , 2001-10-15
vscap\logo.bmp, 71742 , 2001-10-15
vscap\MainFrm.cpp, 4082 , 2001-10-15
vscap\MainFrm.h, 1563 , 2001-10-15
vscap\Player\Debug\player.obj, 25662 , 2008-12-01
vscap\Player\Debug\Player.pch, 4024176 , 2008-12-01
vscap\Player\Debug\Player.pdb, 369664 , 2008-12-01
vscap\Player\Debug\player.res, 1520 , 2008-12-01
vscap\Player\Debug\vc60.idb, 148480 , 2008-12-01
vscap\Player\Debug\vc60.pdb, 77824 , 2008-12-01
vscap\Player\Player.001, 4050 , 2001-09-04
vscap\Player\Player.aps, 4136 , 2001-09-04
vscap\Player\player.cpp, 15966 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Player\Player.dsp, 3990 , 2008-12-01
vscap\Player\player.h, 201 , 2001-09-02
vscap\Player\player.ico, 766 , 2001-09-02
vscap\Player\player.mak, 1155 , 2001-09-02
vscap\Player\Player.plg, 1341 , 2008-12-01
vscap\Player\Player.rc, 3567 , 2001-09-04
vscap\Player\resource.h, 591 , 2001-09-04
vscap\ReadMe.txt, 4013 , 2001-08-07
vscap\Release\example.avi, 1539584 , 2001-10-15
vscap\Release\help.htm, 77780 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\filelist.xml, 706 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image001.gif, 1714 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image001.png, 13864 , 2001-09-28
vscap\Release\help_files\image002.gif, 1714 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image002.jpg, 11690 , 2001-09-28
vscap\Release\help_files\image003.gif, 12030 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image003.jpg, 701 , 2001-09-28
vscap\Release\help_files\image004.png, 9456 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image005.jpg, 12137 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image005.png, 6693 , 2001-09-28
vscap\Release\help_files\image006.jpg, 701 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image007.jpg, 677 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image007.png, 876 , 2001-09-28
vscap\Release\help_files\image008.png, 6693 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image009.jpg, 16247 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image009.png, 298 , 2001-09-28
vscap\Release\help_files\image010.jpg, 562 , 2001-09-28
vscap\Release\help_files\image010.png, 876 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image011.jpg, 2361 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image011.png, 8680 , 2001-09-28
vscap\Release\help_files\image012.jpg, 17777 , 2001-09-28
vscap\Release\help_files\image012.png, 298 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image013.jpg, 562 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image013.png, 2436 , 2001-09-28
vscap\Release\help_files\image014.jpg, 6474 , 2001-09-28
vscap\Release\help_files\image014.png, 8680 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image015.gif, 94 , 2001-09-28
vscap\Release\help_files\image015.jpg, 17777 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image016.png, 2436 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image017.jpg, 6474 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\image018.gif, 94 , 2001-10-16
vscap\Release\help_files\Thumbs.db, 80384 , 2008-12-01
vscap\Release\License.txt, 1978 , 2001-10-15
vscap\res\bitmap1.bmp, 646 , 2001-08-14
vscap\res\bitmap2.bmp, 322 , 2001-08-27
vscap\res\customic.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00001.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00002.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00003.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00004.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00005.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00006.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00007.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00008.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00009.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00010.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00011.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00012.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00013.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00014.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00015.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00016.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00017.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00018.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00019.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28
vscap\res\ico00020.ico, 766 , 2001-08-28



0 个回复

  • net
    网络编程代码,包含UDP,TCP和NET的源码,每种都保护服务器端和客户端(Network programming code, including UDP, TCP and NET source code, each protected server and client)
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  • VC-OPC-client
    说明:  基于VC的OPC客户端软件研究与实现.......(The OPC-based VC research and implementation of client software ....... )
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  • rqplaletent
    新编Windows API参考大全,New Windows API Reference(New Windows API reference, New Windows API Reference)
    2018-12-01 05:37:08下载
  • TailGateTest
    该程序应用在汽车疲劳测试中,是控制九个轴协调运动,其中控制器使用的是固高的板卡。该程序环境为VC6.0,应用到了ACCESS数据库编程,EXCEL数据库编程,板卡的PT运动模式等。(The procedure used in automotive fatigue tests, nine-axis coordinated motion control, which is used by the controller board Googol. The program environment for VC6.0, applied to programming ACCESS, EXCEL programming, the board of PT motion mode.)
    2020-09-10 21:38:00下载
  • ruizai-EA-explain
    给MT4系统EA编程的入门级详细源码解说,力求让更多的MT4爱好者通过这个源码走进EA的时间。(EA for MT4 system programming code entry level detailed explanation, to allow more fans through this source into the MT4 EA time.)
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  • 20070313_synchronizationMutex
    同步机制的解决方法之一(one of the solutions)
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  • 动态创建数组类
    说明:  动态创建数组模板,可以用该模板动态创建所需要的数组类(Dynamic Creation of Array Templates)
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  • DS102DS112
    DS102_DS112 日本骏河精机直线滚珠导轨资料(DS102DS112 japan machine)
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  • eLife!
    该程序基于C++、MFC、GDI+。使用ADO数据库访问技术。实现的主要功能包括备忘录、计划、节日、朋友生日的提醒等,同时拥有强大的查找功能。支持换肤和快捷的音乐播放。允许用户自制皮肤。eLife!的换肤功能全部由GDI+实现。(The program is based on c++, MFC, GDI+. Using ADO database access technology. Implementation of main functions include memos, plans and holiday, friends birthday reminder, have powerful search function at the same time. Supports avi and fast music playing. Allows the user to homemade skin. ELife! All by GDI+ realize change skin function. )
    2013-12-02 19:34:49下载
  • vcWizard
    基于VC的向导程序示例,用于程序打包安装、用户协议查看浏览、程序分步处理等场合,示例虽然小,但挺实用的,有一定参考性。(VC' s wizard-based example, for program installation package, the user agreement see here, the program step processing and other occasions, the sample was small, but very useful, has some reference to sex.)
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  • 696518资源总数
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