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于 2020-06-16 发布 文件大小:172KB
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  实现ELM,ELM是一个单层前馈神经网络,就有很好的学习效果,本代码包含全套可以实现的ELM。(Realiz ELM,this is a important code which helps us how to learn ELM.)


elmtrain.m, 1754 , 2019-07-12
spectra_data.mat, 171497 , 2019-07-12
Untitled3.m, 1353 , 2019-07-12
ELM.m, 9279 , 2012-07-20
elmpredict.m, 1443 , 2019-07-12



0 个回复

  • Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO)
    说明:  ALO 算法核心思想是模拟蚁狮捕猎蚂蚁的狩猎机制以实现全局寻优。蚁狮在捕猎前会在在沙质土中利用其巨大的下颚挖出一个漏斗状的陷阱,并藏在陷阱底部等待猎物到来。一旦随机游走的蚂蚁落入陷阱时,蚁狮迅速将其捕食,随后重新修缮陷阱等待下一次捕猎。(The core idea of the ALO algorithm is to simulate the hunting mechanism of the ant lion hunting ants to achieve global optimization. Before hunting, the ant lion will use its huge jaw to dig a funnel-shaped trap in the sandy soil and hide at the bottom of the trap to wait for the prey to arrive. Once the randomly-wandering ants fall into the trap, the ant lion quickly preys on it, and then repairs the trap to wait for the next hunt. The ALO algorithm realizes the interaction between the ants and the ant lion through numerical simulation to optimize the problem: introduces the random walk of the ants to realize the global search, and guarantees the diversity of the population and the optimization performance of the algorithm through the roulette strategy and the elite strategy. Antlion is equivalent to the solution of the optimization problem. It can update and save the approximate optimal solution by hunting ants with high fitness.)
    2020-12-25 11:46:16下载
  • 本教程主要讲述计算机指令运行机制及的相关知识,并用详实的例子来讲解如何使用O写程序。是计算机低级,它直接对应的是计算机机器指令,...
    本教程主要讲述计算机指令运行机制及汇编语言的相关知识,并用详实的例子来讲解如何使用O汇编语言来编写程序。汇编语言是计算机低级语言,它直接对应的是计算机机器指令,据有执行高效的特点,但由于它的底层性,指令浩繁复杂,如果你熟悉如MASM、FASM或者NASM等其它的汇编语言,那么你将能够很容易地学会使用O语言,它的内部机制与其它汇编语言是一致的;如果你没有接触过汇编语言,那么本教程将为你打开计算机语言的大门,深入细致地解剖聪明的计算机大脑的思考轨迹。如果你使用过C或者其它的计算机语言将对学习O语言有一定的帮助。-the handbook focuses on the operation of computer instructions and mechanisms related to the compilation of language knowledge, and the use of detailed examples to explain how to use the O Series language programming. Language is a compilation of computer low level language, which directly correspond to the computer machinery orders, according to the efficient implementation of the characteristics But since they are bottom, voluminous complex instructions, if you are familiar with such as Shape, FASM or Assemble the compilation and other languages, then you will be able to easily learn how to use O language, The internal mechanism and the other assembly language is unanimous; If you had any contact with assembly language. Then you ha
    2022-03-28 20:33:02下载
  • MSKbdMon
    监视键盘,记录下在文本框中输入的文件名和密码,然后上传至指定的文件(Monitor keyboard, recorded in the text box, enter the file name and password, and then uploaded to the specified file)
    2008-05-04 13:00:34下载
  • C optimum triangulation
    用C++实现最优三角剖分-C optimum triangulation
    2022-03-12 01:34:14下载
  • err
    源码公开-线弹性动力分析直接积分 声明: 贴出源程序只是为了给有这方面需要的弟兄提供参考,并 非用于和做这方面工作的弟兄讨论用。 本人不对程序的正确性提供任何保证,不对程序的可读性 承担任何义务,也不承担对使用者在使用过程中的任何问 题提供解答的义务。 同意本声明的弟兄可以以任何的方式修改、使用 和传播本程序。否则,请勿以任何方式使用本程序。 NEWMARK BETA源程序(FORTRAN)。程序是一个独立的文件( F77格式),使用者可将其拷入一个文件并改名为.FOR即可。 如:NEWMARK.FOR。程序中的矩阵和向量均为满存储。 -err
    2022-06-27 11:08:02下载
  • 用VB做的SQL系统。是一个图书馆系统,它包括SQL建立的表格,应用的软件是VB程序...
    用VB做的SQL系统。是一个图书馆系统,它包括SQL建立的表格,应用的软件是VB程序-used vb to build SQL system
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  • ELM
    实现ELM,ELM是一个单层前馈神经网络,就有很好的学习效果,本代码包含全套可以实现的ELM。(Realiz ELM,this is a important code which helps us how to learn ELM.)
    2020-06-16 21:40:01下载
  • 写的一些程序的源代码,例:DOS6.0源程序中的硬盘引导记录源程序FDBOOT.ASM,鼠标控制CD...
    用汇编语言编写的一些程序的源代码,例:DOS6.0源程序中的硬盘引导记录源程序FDBOOT.ASM,鼠标控制CD-Audio播放程序,专截320*200的截画程序,V86模式切换程序,FASTREBOOT V1.0,Game Faster V1.0,Mixer Volume Ctrler V1.0,-assembly language prepared by the program"s source code, cases : DOS6.0 source of hard disk boot record source FDBOOT.ASM, mouse control CD-Audio player, a cut of 320* 200 closed painting procedures, V86 mode switching procedures, FASTREBOOT V1.0 , the Game Faster V1.0 and V1.0 Mixer Volume Ctrler.
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  • 本指令是一个很好的,希望读者好好享用 正和了arm的全部指令...
    本指令是一个很好的,希望读者好好享用 正和了arm的全部指令-is a very good Abstract The research and development of a real――time visual obstacle detection system are pre―- sented in the paper.The stereo vision system is realized by using a single camera and the optical and electrical identities of binocular image pair are kept.The image reprojection transformation brings zero disparities for the road surface features and thus facilitate the obstacle detection.The
    2022-01-28 11:29:26下载
  • 建立歌曲文档,按演唱者排序,程序可接收查找的演唱者,并输出其所有的歌曲...
    建立歌曲文档,按演唱者排序,程序可接收查找的演唱者,并输出其所有的歌曲 -documents establishing songs by singers, in order of search procedures can receive a concert, and exported all of its songs
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