旅行商问题(TravelingSalesmanProblem,TSP)是一个经典的组合优化问题。经典的TSP可以描述为:一个商品推销员要去若干个城市推销商品,该推销员从一个城市出发,需要经过所有城市后,回到出发地。应如何选择行进路线,以使总的行程最短。从图论的角度来看,该问题实质是在一个带权完全无向图中,找一个权值最小的Hamilton回路。由于该问题的可行解是所有顶点的全排列,随着顶点数的增加,会产生组合爆炸,它是一个NP完全问题。(Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a classic combinatorial optimization problem. The classic TSP can be described as: a merchandiser sells goods to several cities. The salesman starts from a city and needs to go through all the cities and return to the starting point. How to choose the route of travel so that the total journey is the shortest. From the point of view of graph theory, the essence of the problem is to find a Hamilton loop with the smallest weight in a completely undirected graph with weights. Since the feasible solution to this problem is the full permutation of all vertices, as the number of vertices increases, a combinatorial explosion occurs, which is an NP-complete problem.)