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于 2020-06-17 发布 文件大小:85KB
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  网页设计的一个框架,网上是付费的,再次公开源代码,以示分享(A framework for web design. Payment is made online and source code is made public again for sharing.)


admin6, 0 , 2015-06-11
admin6\compatibility.html, 101280 , 2015-06-11
admin6\favicon.ico, 569 , 2014-06-09
admin6\index-boxed.html, 100243 , 2015-06-11
admin6\index.html, 100244 , 2015-06-11
admin6\lock_screen.html, 5206 , 2015-06-11
admin6\login.html, 20747 , 2015-06-11
admin6\profile.html, 90646 , 2015-06-11
admin6\profile_account.html, 50555 , 2015-06-11
admin6\profile_help.html, 71715 , 2015-06-11
admin6\start.html, 32672 , 2015-06-11
admin6\timeline.html, 52452 , 2015-06-11
admin6\todo.html, 61166 , 2015-06-11



0 个回复

  • untitled1
    三相全桥逆变电路 相电流电压 线电流电压信号的测量(Measurement of phase current, voltage, line current and voltage signal of three-phase full bridge inverter circuit)
    2017-03-06 15:38:48下载
  • 基本的飞蛾扑火算法
    说明:  基本的飞蛾扑火算法,附带测试函数,亲测可以使用,欢迎大家下载(Basic moth algorithm with test function)
    2020-06-06 10:18:29下载
  • cepstrum_computation
    劳伦斯教授(罗格斯大学和加州大学圣巴巴拉分校),罗纳德·谢弗教授(斯坦福大学)的团队已经设计了的关于语音信号倒频谱分析的程序,适用,有创新点,里面有很好地注释资料。(The set of speech processing exercises have been designed by a team consisting of Prof. Lawrence Rabiner (Rutgers University and University of California, Santa Barbara), Prof. Ronald Schafer (Stanford University), Kirty Vedula and Siva Yedithi (Rutgers University). This exercise is intended to supplement the teaching material in the textbook “Theory and Applications of Digital Speech Processing” by L R Rabiner and R W Schafer.)
    2013-10-23 11:18:45下载
  • daolujianmo
    说明:  基于人工势场的MATLAB道路建模及车辆避障(MATLAB based on artificial potential field of road traffic modeling and obstacle avoidance)
    2010-03-17 11:21:02下载
  • Mie_scattering_Comsol_35a1
    说明:  用多物理场耦合软件comsol multiphysics 3.5a计算远场散射时的详细教程。对需要进行复杂电磁场的散射计算,有极大的帮助!(Coupled with a multi-physics software comsol multiphysics 3.5a far-field scattering calculations detailed tutorial. On the need for complex scattering of electromagnetic field, there is a great help!)
    2011-03-09 03:29:41下载
  • NewCSharpDesignPattern
    新版设计模式手册[C#],设计模式 工程化(The new design Pattern manual [C#])
    2009-05-05 11:03:37下载
  • 5
    说明:  1、 创建图类,存储结构使用邻接矩阵。 2、 输入图的节点数n(不超过10个)、边数m,节点分别用1-n代表。 3、 采用“起始节点,终止节点,权值”输入图的m条边,创建图。 4、 输出从节点1开始的BFS遍历,在遍历过程中,如有多个可以选择的节点,则优先选择编号较小的节点。 5、 输出从节点1开始的DFS遍历,在遍历过程中,如有多个可以选择的节点,则优先选择编号较小的节点。 6、 输出从第1节点到第n节点最短路径的长度,如果没有路经,输出0。(1. Create graph class and use adjacency matrix in storage structure. 2. The number of nodes n (no more than 10) and edge m in the input graph are represented by 1-n, respectively. 3. Create a graph by using the m-edges of the input graph of "Starting Node, Terminating Node, Weight Value". 4. Output BFS traversal starting from node 1. In the traversal process, if there are multiple nodes to choose, the node with smaller number will be preferred. 5. Output DFS traversal starting from node 1. In the traversal process, if there are multiple nodes to choose, the node with smaller number will be preferred. 6. Output the length of the shortest path from the first node to the n node. If there is no path, output 0.)
    2019-02-19 14:49:05下载
  • book-chapt7turbulent-Combustion-Modeling
    Turbulent Combustion
    2011-10-31 15:30:35下载
  • Designing-Embedded-Communications-Software
    Designing Embedded Communications Software
    2011-06-26 12:15:42下载
  • bpq_PDF
    一套变频器完整的原理图,变频器维修的初学者可以参考一下,了解变频器的内部结构。(Completa schematica di un convertitore di frequenza, l inverter può fare riferimento al mantenimento dei principianti per capire la struttura interna del convertitore.)
    2012-01-08 08:25:21下载
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  • 46今日下载