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于 2020-06-20 发布 文件大小:78KB
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  使用php+mysql,在寻仙决的基础上自己开发的新代码,有新的设定和功能(With PHP + mysql, the new code developed on the basis of seeking immortality has new settings and functions.)


gametest\class\encode.php, 951 , 2016-06-10
gametest\css\gamecss.css, 1644 , 2019-07-31
gametest\game\ksdgs.php, 185 , 2019-08-02
gametest\game\nowmid.php, 12870 , 2019-08-01
gametest\images\首页.gif, 6604 , 2019-07-29
gametest\index.php, 2775 , 2019-08-01
gametest\pdo.php, 299 , 2019-07-31
gametest\reguser.php, 2580 , 2019-07-31
gametest\wap\class\encode.php, 951 , 2016-06-10
gametest\wap\class\player.php, 46525 , 2019-08-01
gametest\wap\class\_notes\dwsync.xml, 185 , 2019-08-02
gametest\wap\css\gamecss.css, 1644 , 2019-07-31
gametest\wap\css\wenzi.js, 364 , 2019-07-30
gametest\wap\css\_notes\dwsync.xml, 186 , 2019-08-02
gametest\wap\game\cj.php, 574 , 2016-08-25
gametest\wap\game\ksdgs.php, 240 , 2019-08-02
gametest\wap\game\zbinfo.php, 6906 , 2017-01-04
gametest\wap\game\zbinfo_sys.php, 722 , 2019-08-01
gametest\wap\game\zhuangtai.php, 5611 , 2019-08-01
gametest\wap\game\_notes\dwsync.xml, 184 , 2019-08-02
gametest\wap\game.php, 10703 , 2019-08-02
gametest\wap\images\tan.gif, 1236 , 2016-08-15
gametest\wap\images\wen.gif, 1228 , 2016-08-15
gametest\wap\images\_notes\dwsync.xml, 185 , 2019-08-02
gametest\wap\images\首页.gif, 6604 , 2019-07-29
gametest\wap\index.php, 2775 , 2019-08-02
gametest\wap\js\footer.js, 112 , 2016-06-07
gametest\wap\js\jquery-1.6.2.min.js, 93437 , 2016-05-26
gametest\wap\npc\muban\商店.php, 2037 , 2019-07-31
gametest\wap\npc\muban\技能兑换.php, 823 , 2019-08-01
gametest\wap\npc\muban\治疗.php, 1072 , 2019-07-31
gametest\wap\npc\muban\治疗_级别1.php, 1129 , 2016-08-20
gametest\wap\npc\muban\装备兑换.php, 100 , 2016-08-16
gametest\wap\npc\muban\门派管理员.php, 2242 , 2019-08-01
gametest\wap\npc\npc.php, 4543 , 2019-08-01
gametest\wap\pdo.php, 299 , 2019-07-31
gametest\wap\reguser.php, 2580 , 2019-07-31
gametest\wap\renwu\1.php, 7 , 2016-06-19
gametest\wap\_notes\dwsync.xml, 432 , 2019-08-02
gametest\wap\class\_notes, 0 , 2019-08-02
gametest\wap\css\_notes, 0 , 2019-08-02
gametest\wap\game\_notes, 0 , 2019-08-02
gametest\wap\images\_notes, 0 , 2019-08-02
gametest\wap\npc\muban, 0 , 2019-08-01
gametest\wap\class, 0 , 2019-08-01
gametest\wap\css, 0 , 2019-07-31
gametest\wap\game, 0 , 2019-08-02
gametest\wap\images, 0 , 2019-07-31
gametest\wap\js, 0 , 2019-07-31
gametest\wap\npc, 0 , 2019-08-01
gametest\wap\renwu, 0 , 2019-07-31
gametest\wap\_notes, 0 , 2019-08-02
gametest\class, 0 , 2019-07-31
gametest\css, 0 , 2019-07-31
gametest\game, 0 , 2019-08-02
gametest\images, 0 , 2019-07-31
gametest\wap, 0 , 2019-08-02
gametest, 0 , 2019-08-01



0 个回复

  • snowglobe-src-viewer-2.0.0-r0.tar
    说明:  国外的开源游戏引擎,能够承载上千人,属于社交类的游戏(Foreign open source game engine, capable of carrying thousands of people, belonging to social class of the game)
    2010-04-13 15:39:34下载
  • five
    用C++ 实现了五子棋游戏,使用的部分人工智能算法 (Using C++ implementation of the Five in a Row game, using some artificial intelligence algorithms)
    2010-06-07 17:31:04下载
  • Snakegame
    贪吃蛇游戏 基于Qt的c++游戏 可以开发人的智力(snakegame write by Qt)
    2013-05-26 19:53:48下载
  • myApplet
    经典的黑白棋对战程序,αβ博弈的简单应用。(Battle Othello program, αβ simple application of game)
    2011-05-23 20:44:37下载
  • Loader3D
    game java 2 love heart and you can load game in java UI, anh you can check in java game, java 3D with game java
    2011-05-14 22:45:48下载
  • game01
    经典小游戏,包括源代码,所需资源文件和一切相关文件,和可执行exe(Classic games, including source code, the resources required documentation and all relevant documents, and executable exe)
    2009-12-02 22:41:10下载
  • 象棋完整源码下载(含本地sdf数据库)
    核心代码://Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script.//#include "resource.h"#define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource.//#include "afxres.h"/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Chinese (P.R.C.) resources#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_CHS)#ifdef _WIN32LANGUAGE LANG_CHINESE, SUBLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED#pragma code_page(936)#endif //_WIN32#ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEXTINCLUDE//1 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "resource.h
  • 09class9
    说明:  必牛网络教程,整个程序有必牛制作,第四课-图片资源编辑器(三)1(Cattle Network tutorial will be the entire procedure will beef production, the fourth lesson- Image Resource Editor (c) 1)
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  • bombermaze-0.6.6.tar
    sourceforge上的一个单人射击类游戏(sourceforge of a single person shooter games)
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  • wuziqi
    java五子棋程序源代码实现重新开始 自动判断输赢(backgammon java source code to achieve re-start automatically determine the winners and losers)
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  • 696518资源总数
  • 104552会员总数
  • 3今日下载