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Play and record audio

于 2020-06-20 发布 文件大小:12KB
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  Play and Record Audio Files


Header.cpp, 1798 , 2015-09-01
Header.h, 1044 , 2015-09-01
InputHandle.cpp, 3146 , 2015-09-01
InputHandle.h, 1349 , 2015-09-01
InputStream.cpp, 2790 , 2015-09-01
InputStream.h, 1245 , 2015-09-01
Main.cpp, 2109 , 2015-09-02
OutputHandle.cpp, 4094 , 2015-08-31
OutputHandle.h, 1590 , 2015-08-31
OutputStream.cpp, 3573 , 2015-09-01
OutputStream.h, 1422 , 2015-09-01
RawData.cpp, 4353 , 2015-09-02
RawData.h, 1423 , 2015-09-02
StructuredData.cpp, 7636 , 2015-09-02
StructuredData.h, 1543 , 2015-09-02



0 个回复

  • cmpse
    间接法功率谱分析代码,数字信号处理领域常用(Indirect method power spectrum analysis code, and digital signal processing used)
    2010-01-01 18:51:56下载
  • cvery_933423
    项目部来了一位漂亮的MM,她飘逸的红发散发出诱人的魅力,深深地迷住了我. 还主动问我:你刚才给我发的那些,是怎么弄的呢?我怎么弄不起呢:< ? 于是乎我做了这个东东来发消息,再于是乎我想你也可能需要,就来发表了:P. 程序环境: win系统,并且打开了windows message服务的主机可以通信(端口135). 涉及的功能: 使用一位高手提供的135端口信息发送函数. 一个ini文件类用于记录IP信息. 自定义一个消息和相关代码,用于把程序缩小到系统托盘.
    2009-03-31 14:52:12下载
  • QQxiaoxi
    QQ消息提取 for S60v3 2.2(QQreceived message for S60v3 2.2)
    2010-05-10 08:19:06下载
  • VCRunWithmatlab
    详细讲述了,matlab与VC++6.0的混合编程(Described in detail, matlab mixed with VC++6.0 programming)
    2011-12-02 09:10:12下载
  • bianyiqi
    八、 设计SAMPLE语言的语法、语义分析器,输出四元式的中间结果。 检查要求: a] 启动程序后,先输出作者姓名、班级、学号(可用汉语、英语或拼音)。 b] 请求输入测试程序名,键入程序名后自动开始编译。 c] 输出四元式中间代码(样式见样板输出3和4)。 d] 能发现程序的语法错误并输出出错信息。 (Eight, design SAMPLE language grammar, semantic analyzer, the output quaternion type of intermediate results. Inspection requirements: a] start the process, the first output of the author' s name, class, study number [available in Chinese, English or Pinyin]. b] a request to enter the test program name, type the program name after the compiler automatically. c] output type between quaternion code [see sample output pattern 3 and 4]. d] the procedure can be found in a syntax error and output error message.)
    2021-01-09 17:48:51下载
  • B3g_phase2
    B3g_phase2_C语言_Matlab程序及说明(_Matlab Procedures and B3g_phase2_C language description)
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  • openGL_NURBS
    实现了用c++绘制nurbs曲线,对初学者有一定帮助(Drawing NURBScurve with c++ )
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  • 101138362InsNavigationKalman
    这是我自己写的xsen的mti系统程序,从陀螺仪和加速度计中实时读取数据,并在地理坐标系中进行解算,最后积分得到速度和位置信息。可以用于手势识别或者精度要求不高的导航系统。如果要用于精确导航,则应该进一步进行修正。程序使用com4进行通信,波特率是115200,采样频率是50hz,这些参数都可以修改。(This is my own writing xsen the mti system program the gyroscopes and accelerometers to read data in real time, and geographic coordinate system solver, the final points to get the speed and location information. Can be used for gesture recognition or less precision navigation system. If you want to for accurate navigation, it should be further amended. Program to communicate with com4, baud rate is 115200, the sampling frequency is 50hz, these parameters )
    2016-05-07 23:17:26下载
  • guangzhao
    2009-06-14 21:11:56下载
  • changevideomode
    自己写的一个检测某个程序是否运行来改变系统分辨率的控制台程序(Writing own a Detect whether a program is running to change the system console resolution procedures)
    2009-02-26 15:45:57下载
  • 696518资源总数
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