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  这是MFC Windows程序设计(第2版),书上的代码。第16章,公用控件基础,滑杆,微调按钮和工具提示按钮,图像列表和ComboBoxEx控件,进度控件和动画控件,IP地址控件和热键控件,月历控件,日期-时间拾取控件的编程,供大家参考。(This is MFC Windows Programming (2nd edition), on the code book. Chapter 16, the common basic controls, slider, button and tool tips to fine-tune button, image list and ComboBoxEx control, progress control and animation control, IP address control and hotkey control, calendar control, date- time to pick up control of the programming, for your reference.)



0 个回复

  • gaozhiliangc++biancheng
    这是一本关于C++编程的指导电子书,比较适合初学者使用~!(This is the one on the C++ Programming guide e-books, are more suitable for beginners to use ~!)
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  • guzhanglubo
    这是一篇有关故障录波仪如何开发的硕士论文,论文行文清楚、逻辑分明,重点讲述了故障录波器的算法,值得看。(This is a fault recorder on how to develop the master's thesis papers lines clearly and logically distinct, and highlight the fault recorder algorithm worth observing.)
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