首页 » WINDOWS » Flash_TWRP_Redmi2


于 2020-06-20 发布 文件大小:13810KB
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 0


  Flash_TWRP_Redmi 200


Flash_TWRP_Redmi2\adb\adb.exe, 1011200 , 2015-07-12
Flash_TWRP_Redmi2\adb\AdbWinApi.dll, 96256 , 2015-07-12
Flash_TWRP_Redmi2\adb\AdbWinUsbApi.dll, 60928 , 2015-07-12
Flash_TWRP_Redmi2\adb\fastboot.exe, 196608 , 2015-07-12
Flash_TWRP_Redmi2\adb\recovery.img, 13783040 , 2016-05-16
Flash_TWRP_Redmi2\Flash-TWRP.bat, 1103 , 2016-06-28
Flash_TWRP_Redmi2\adb, 0 , 2016-06-28
Flash_TWRP_Redmi2, 0 , 2016-06-28



0 个回复

  • PSO程序代码
    对生产线上的工位布置优化,解决NP难问题。求解最优平衡率下的工位布置,平衡个工位的负荷。达到人员精简和降低成本的目的。(Optimize the workstation layout and solve the NP-hard problem. The workstation layout under the optimal balance rate is solved, and the load of each station is balanced. Achieve the goal of streamlining personnel and reducing costs.)
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