本书示例丰富,图文并茂,以简明易懂的方式阐释了算法,旨在帮助程序员在日常项目中更好地利用 算法为软件开发助力。前三章介绍算法基础,包括二分查找、大 O 表示法、两种基本的数据结构以及递归 等。余下的篇幅将主要介绍应用广泛的算法,具体内容包括 :面对具体问题时的解决技巧,比如何时采用 贪婪算法或动态规划 ;散列表的应用 ;图算法 ;K 最近邻算法。 本书适合所有程序员、计算机专业相关师生以及对算法感兴趣的读者(This book is rich in examples and illustrates algorithms in a concise and easy-to-understand way. It aims to help programmers make better use of algorithms in daily projects to help software development. The first three chapters introduce the basic algorithms, including binary search, large O representation, two basic data structures and recursion. The rest of the paper will focus on the widely used algorithms, including: when to use greedy algorithm or dynamic programming, hash table application, graph algorithm, K nearest neighbor algorithm when facing specific problems. This book is suitable for all programmers, computer-related teachers and students, and readers interested in algorithms.)
算法图解.pdf, 18009326 , 2019-07-30
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