首页 » LINUX » 2048-master


于 2020-06-21 发布 文件大小:325KB
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 0


  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam accumsan quam in pharetra facilisis. Nullam a lorem porta, cursus tellus ac, commodo ligula. Morbi eget nunc eu risus laoreet porta. Mauris nibh nulla, pulvinar vel neque ut, facilisis mattis orci. Cras in pulvinar enim, in sagittis lectus. Nunc rutrum odio ut tortor laoreet, at ullamcorper diam mollis. Nullam ut rutrum dui. Sed tortor eros, elementum at lectus a, feugiat dapibus orci. Vivamus at porta sem, non porta enim. Sed hendrerit volutpat dui, vel hendrerit nisi convallis nec. Cras vitae lobortis arcu. Mauris molestie risus a volutpat sollicitudin. Suspendisse quis fermentum felis.


2048-master, 0 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\.gitignore, 13 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\.jshintrc, 335 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\CONTRIBUTING.md, 1970 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\LICENSE.txt, 1083 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\README.md, 2280 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\Rakefile, 300 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\favicon.ico, 4286 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\index.html, 3988 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js, 0 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\animframe_polyfill.js, 890 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\application.js, 197 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\bind_polyfill.js, 220 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\classlist_polyfill.js, 1794 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\game_manager.js, 7627 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\grid.js, 2526 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\html_actuator.js, 4040 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\keyboard_input_manager.js, 4005 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\local_storage_manager.js, 1588 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\js\tile.js, 594 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\meta, 0 , 2018-10-28
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2048-master\style\fonts, 0 , 2018-10-28
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2048-master\style\fonts\ClearSans-Light-webfont.eot, 25570 , 2018-10-28
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2048-master\style\main.css, 20647 , 2018-10-28
2048-master\style\main.scss, 10404 , 2018-10-28



0 个回复

  • wap寻仙决的源码
    说明:  使用php+mysql开发的wap文字游戏,缺少了后台的控制台,但是部署了就能直接使用,(The WAP word game developed with PHP + MySQL lacks a console in the background, but can be used directly when deployed.)
    2020-06-20 00:00:01下载
  • betterCards
    简单的扑克牌游戏代码。只作为学习参考使用,请不要用于商业用途。(simple card games code. Only use as a study reference, please do not for commercial purposes.)
    2007-05-17 23:58:21下载
  • Horse-Stepping-on-board
    在传统中国象棋中,马走日型路线。本代码就是按其规则,让马从棋盘任一点开始,输出它可以行走的所有点的坐标。(In traditional Chinese chess, horse go day-type line. The code according to the rules, let the horse from checkerboard any point, the coordinates of all points of output it can walk.)
    2012-05-08 16:08:57下载
  • Char_src
    布局管理器示例,设置不同面板网格包布局管理器(Layout manager example, set up different packages panel grid layout manager)
    2008-08-12 17:54:35下载
  • qqgame
    手机QQ游戏大厅jar可以下载到java手机上运行使用(QQgame jar)
    2020-06-25 22:20:02下载
  • xiaoxionghuijia123
    小熊回家的小游戏,路上会遇到怪,可以躲避和攻击怪。(bear, a small home game, and the roads will encounter strange and can escape blame and attack.)
    2007-06-18 21:42:17下载
  • Qi_Liu
    在本实验中, Pacman 智能体将找到通过迷宫世界的路径, 既包括到达一个指定的位置,也包括高效地搜集食物。我们编辑文件search.py和searchAgents.py,编写一系列吃豆人程序,包括到达指定位置以及有效的吃豆,并将其应用到Pacman场景,完成对相关人工智能功能的完善。(pacman,achieve search)
    2018-05-06 14:49:48下载
  • ChardLib
    C#写的一个简单的纸牌游戏,还是用的控制台的,没什么新意。(C# to write a simple card game, or console, nothing new.)
    2013-04-11 18:55:31下载
  • 2048c++源码(控制台版)
    【实例简介】编了个2048 w上......
    2021-08-23 00:31:02下载
  • Java-Chess-0.1.0pre-alpha2
    一个java做的国际象棋小游戏.是一个功能完善的chess小游戏,快来看看吧(do a java small international chess game. One function is the perfect small chess games, Come see exciting! !)
    2004-12-06 14:33:45下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104569会员总数
  • 24今日下载