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于 2020-06-21 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  CFD计算中的RANS湍流模型中,入口处的K和e的初始化(Initialization of K and e at the entrance of RANS turbulence model in CFD calculation)


kecoefficient.m, 291 , 2017-10-01
turbulence_calculator.m, 348 , 2018-08-16
calculator_of_hydrodynamics.m, 343 , 2018-10-03
ke_calculator_Dh&RL.m, 228 , 2017-10-13



0 个回复

  • LMS
    使用MATLAB编写的LMS自适应程序代码!(Prepared using the LMS adaptive MATLAB code!)
    2008-07-21 20:58:53下载
  • particle_filtering
    这是用粒子滤波算法进行视频跟踪的源程序 初始参数已近设好了,直接运行就可以了 有兴趣的朋友可以吧它改成差帧定位 省的换个视频就要手调一次参数 为了能运算快些 算法的核心代码是用C++编的 用MEX文件转化成dll数据 在matlab中调用的 希望对大家有所参考和帮助 也希望大家有好的想法,我们一起讨论和改进 有 用粒子滤波进行视频跟踪现在国内做的还不多 需要改进的地方也很多 还需大家共同努力啊,哈哈 由于本人用的视频太大,上传了半天传不上去,只有把视频删了 下了本程序的朋友,要自己找个视频放到文件夹内 并在程序中吧读视频语句的文件名改成你所放视频的文件名 比如你视频的文件名是myvideo.avi,则程序中 video = myvideo.avi 注意视频文件的格式一定要是.avi的哦 (err)
    2008-08-04 13:57:14下载
  • 13246857451
    多用户MIMO预编码技术:块对角化BD,分别采用SVD技术,最大似然检测,最小均方误差检测的误码率性能仿真代码。里面有代码,仿真图等。(Multi-user MIMO precoding techniques: block diagonalization BD, respectively, using the SVD technique, maximum likelihood detection, the minimum mean square error detection BER performance simulation code. There are code, simulation maps.)
    2021-01-09 13:08:52下载
  • Shoujijianpan
    Matlab GUI的经典例子,做一个手机键盘,按任何一个键时画出其波形(The Matlab GUI classic example, do a phone keypad, press any key to draw the waveform)
    2012-10-27 13:46:22下载
  • conjugated-MUSIC
    共轭MUSIC与平滑MUSIC,来实现波达方向估计(The conjugated MUSIC smoothing MUSIC DOA estimation)
    2013-05-06 21:21:26下载
  • IEEE.8.2.153a_channel_model
    IEEE.8.2.153a_channel_model的simulink仿真(IEEE.8.2.153a_channel_model the simulink simulation)
    2008-05-20 23:49:58下载
  • wo
    说明:  灰色关联分析法的Matlab源代码,可以实现最优化方案的选择(Grey relational analysis Matlab source code, the program can optimize the choice of)
    2011-04-24 11:17:03下载
  • tuxiangchuli
    视觉图像处理研究者必看的有用代码。包括图像预处理,特征提取,算法实现,特征整合等等代码。(Visual image processing researchers must-see useful code. Including image preprocessing, feature extraction, algorithm, feature integration, etc. code.)
    2013-07-14 15:42:07下载
  • bagging
    Breiman的bagging算法,是bootstrap aggregating的缩写,是最早的Ensemble算法之一,它也是最直接容易实现,又有着另人惊讶的好效果的算法之一。(Breiman’s bagging, short for bootstrap aggregating, is one of the earliest ensemble based algorithms.)
    2021-05-13 23:30:02下载
  • Downloads
    The demand of high data rate services has been increasing very rapidly and there is no slowdown in sight. We know that the data transmission includes both wired and wireless medium. Often, these services require very reliable data transmission over very harsh environment. Most of these transmission systems experience much degradation such as large attenuation, noise, multipath, interference, time variance, nonlinearities and must meet the finite constraints like power limitation and cost factor. One physical layer technique that has gained a lot of popularities due to its robustness in dealing with these impairments is multi-carrier modulation technique. In multi-carrier modulation, the most commonly used technique is Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
    2012-11-24 20:55:10下载
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