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数据采集编程指南 下篇

于 2020-06-21 发布 文件大小:1625KB
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  1. 一个完整数据采集系统的基本组成部分 2. NI 提供了基于哪些平台的数据采集硬件产品,它们分别适用于什么样的应用领域 3. 数据采集设备硬件选型过程中应该关注哪些重要参数(Introduction of NI data acquisition hardware 1. Basic components of a complete data acquisition system 2. NI provides data acquisition hardware products based on which platforms and which application areas they are suitable for respectively. 3. What important parameters should be paid attention to in the process of hardware selection of data acquisition equipment)



0 个回复

  • neural_net_learner.rar
    labview实现的神经网络算法,很有趣。(The neural network algorithm implemented by LabVIEW is very interesting.)
    2018-09-14 09:34:19下载
  • 2016NIOpcServer_downloader
    labviewDSC使用OPC,可以连接PLC(LABVIEW DSC)
    2017-01-25 21:04:49下载
  • a
    说明:  振动测试分析系统软件包,适用于8.5及以上版本。(failed to translate)
    2013-05-09 00:50:29下载
  • PID
    labview编写的PID控制程序很实用,可以参考对于用labview编写控制程序的人来说很好(the labview written PID control procedures is very practical reference for the people who write the control program using labview)
    2012-12-10 19:59:43下载
  • sfafdsa
    在labview开发环境下面,利用百度API调用百度地图,把车辆信息显示在地图上面。(In the following labview development environment, API calls use Baidu Baidu map, the vehicle information is displayed in the map above.)
    2015-10-13 20:31:33下载
  • THOS_USB_Communications
    使用Labview编写PC端USB通讯程序,与C8051f320进行大规模数组USB通讯。文件中Device部分是Silab提供的FileTransfer例程,适用于C8051f320;Host部分中VC程序Silab提供的原例程,Labview程序是根据VC程序自主改写移植而成。已通过测试验证。(Interface for USB communicatons on PC, was coded by Labview, and it can transfer(USB) big array with C8051f320. The Device folder from Silab s example "FileTransfer", and the VC code in Host folder also. The VI in Host folder is code basic the VC code. The VI passed test.)
    2009-11-11 23:37:32下载
  • strain-to-deform
    这是一个在labview上根据悬臂梁厚,梁长,受力点距固定端的长度,应变片距固定端的长度,以及应变片上的数值来测算梁的最大挠度的程序。( This is a distance in the labview according thick cantilever beam length, the length of the pitch by the force of the fixed end, the fixed end of the length of the strain gauge and strain values on-chip to measure the maximum deflection of the beam of the program.)
    2015-09-26 16:32:48下载
  • drylab
    用于实验室高效液相色谱的分析,简化分析过程(be uesd for analysis of high liquid )
    2020-12-17 20:29:11下载
  • FTP_example
    FTP in Labview Application
    2020-08-23 14:18:23下载
  • power-measure-labview
    实现功率信号谱的测量,功能丰富,可测性较强,能够实现复杂功能(Achieve power signal spectrum measurement, feature-rich, testability strong, complex functions can be achieved)
    2014-01-05 13:29:56下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104434会员总数
  • 22今日下载