首页 » Java » 软件设计-视觉故障诊断系统-20190731


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  数据管理、数据处理、模型训练、零均值处理(As a clean energy source, natural gas is a key technology because of its small density, large space, and accidents during collection and transportation. The pressure required for the compression of LNG is ultra-high pressure, which is not achievable by general compressors. In order to solve the problem of compression storage, it is extremely urgent to develop ultra-high pressure compressors. In order to understand the safety and stability of the working performance of the UHP compressor, it is necessary to analyze the internal flow field during its working process. Because it is difficult to measure the gas flow in the cylinder through the experimental method, the gas parameters of the cylinder and gas valve at different times are obtained by dynamic simulation of the internal flow field of the ultrahigh pressure reciprocating compressor)


软件设计-视觉故障诊断系统-20190731.docx, 14357 , 2019-07-25



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