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于 2020-06-22 发布 文件大小:1096KB
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  实验器材: MiniSTM32F103开发板V3版本 实验目的: 学习VS1053的使用,实现一个简单的MP3. 硬件资源: 1,DS0(连接在PA8) 2,串口1(波特率:9600,PA9/PA10连接在板载USB转串口芯片CH340上面) 3,ALIENTEK 2.8/3.5/4.3/7寸TFTLCD模块(通过GPIO驱动,连接关系见lcd.h) 4,W25Q64(SPI FLASH芯片,连接在SPI1上) 5,按键KEY0(PC5)/KEY1(PA15)/KEY_UP(PA0,也称之为WK_UP) 5,SD卡,通过SPI1连接 6,ATK-VS1053模块与STM32芯片连接关系为(请按如下接线连接Mini板和MP3模块): ATK-VS1053模块----------STM32芯片 VS_SCK ----------- PA5 VS_MISO ------------ PA6 VS_MOSI ------------ PA7 VS_RST ------------ PA11 VS_XDCS ----------- PA4 VS_XCS ----------- PA8 VS_DREQ ------------ PA12 5V ------------ 5V GND ------------ GND(Laboratory equipment: MiniSTM32F103 Development Board V3 Version The purpose of the experiment is: Learn the use of VS1053 and implement a simple MP3. Hardware resources: 1, DS0 (connected to PA8) 2. Serial port 1 (baud rate: 9600, PA9/PA10 connected on board USB to serial chip CH340) 3, ALIENTEK 2.8/3.5/4.3/7 inch TFTLCD module (driven by GPIO, connection relationship see lcd.h) 4, W25Q64 (SPI FLASH chip, connected to SPI 1) 5. Keyboard KEY0 (PC5)/KEY1 (PA15)/KEY_UP (PA0, also known as WK_UP) 5, SD card, connected by SPI1 6. The connection relationship between ATK-VS1053 module and STM32 chip is as follows (please connect Mini board and MP3 module according to the following wiring): ATK-VS1053 Module - ----- STM32 Chip VS_SCK------------- PA5 VS_MISO---------------- PA6 VS_MOSI---------------- PA7 VS_RST---------------- PA11 VS_XDCS------------- PA4 VS_XCS--------------- PA8 VS_DREQ---------------- PA12 5V--------------- 5V GND--GND)



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