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于 2020-06-23 发布 文件大小:4260KB
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  如题,里面有414张人脸图+matlab 图像重构代码和图像主成分代码(As the title says, there are 414 face pictures in it.+Model of image rebuild +Pca for Image code)


ModuleforImageRebuilt.m, 13291 , 2010-02-08
ORL, 0 , 2019-07-13
ORL\ORL001.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL002.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL003.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL004.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL005.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL006.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL007.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL008.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL009.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL010.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL011.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL012.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL013.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL014.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL015.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL016.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL017.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL018.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL019.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL020.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL021.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL022.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL023.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL024.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL025.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL026.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL027.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL028.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL029.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL030.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL031.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL032.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL033.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL034.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL035.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL036.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL037.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL038.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL039.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL040.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL041.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL042.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL043.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL044.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL045.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL046.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL047.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL048.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL049.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL050.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL051.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL052.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL053.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL054.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL055.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL056.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL057.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL058.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL059.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL060.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL061.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL062.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL063.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL064.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL065.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL066.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL067.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL068.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL069.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL070.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL071.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL072.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL073.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL074.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL075.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL076.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL077.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL078.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL079.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL080.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL081.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL082.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL083.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL084.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL085.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL086.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL087.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL088.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL089.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL090.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL091.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL092.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL093.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL094.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL095.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL096.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL097.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25
ORL\ORL098.BMP, 11382 , 2008-03-25



0 个回复

  • read_radiance
    matlab 高动态图像 读取的hdr格式的读取文件,经测试可以用(matlab read hdr high dynamic image to read the file format, the test can be used)
    2011-04-25 19:46:33下载
  • winform 纹效果显示 例子源码
    winform 纹理效果显示图像 例子源码
  • 试验夹
    说明:  可以通过光流法来检测运动的目标,具有很好的效果,适合新手了解(It can detect moving target by optical flow method, and can detect moving target by optical flow method, which has good effect and is suitable for novice to understand)
    2020-07-24 15:33:46下载
  • improve-SP
    压缩感知重构算法,在经典的SP基础上进行的改进,提高了性噪比,以DWT为稀疏基。(Compressed sensing reconstruction algorithm, improved on the basis of the classic SP carried out to improve the signal to noise ratio, DWT is sparse groups.)
    2020-12-23 15:19:07下载
  • 片裁剪
    说明:  快速将图片裁剪为电脑壁纸和ipad壁纸尺寸,带预览(To cut pictures as PC or Ipad size conveniently)
    2020-06-20 18:40:02下载
  • 459541
    图标生成器可以将易支持的图像格式文件转换成需要的图标,并能进行图标背景透明等编辑。(Icon generator can be easily supported image format files converted to the desired icon , and can carry out other editing icon background transparent .)
    2016-07-11 10:19:13下载
  • zernikeCT
    此程序为泽尼克的方法拟合离散点的数据,用于图像处理。(Zernike parameter fitting)
    2013-11-16 19:55:34下载
  • JPEGCompression
    编码: (1)进行颜色转换,将RGB格式转换为YUV格式。 (2)将待编码的N×N的图像分解成(N/8)^ 2 个大小为8×8的子图像。 (3)对每个子图像进行DCT变换,得到各子图像的变换系数。这一步的实质是把空间域表示的图像转换成频率域表示的图像。 (4)对变换系数进行量化。 (5)进行Z字形重排 (6)使用霍夫曼变长变码编码器对量化的系数进行编码,得到压缩后的图像(数据)。 解码: (1) 对压缩的图像数据进行解码,得到用量化系数表示的图像数据。 (2) 进行反Z字型重排 (3)用与编码时相同的量化函数或量化值表对用量化系数表示的图像数据进行逆量化,得到每个子图像的变换系数。 (4)对逆量化得到的每个子图像的变换系数进行反向正交变换(如反向DCT变换等),得到(N/8)^2 个大小为8×8的子图像。 (5)将(N/8)^2 个大小为8×8的子图像重构成一个N×N的图像。 (6)进行颜色组合,将YUV格式转换为RGB格式图像。(JPEG compression and decompression process)
    2019-02-18 22:58:13下载
  • jdxingtaixue
    说明:  运行jdxingtaixue文件,该程序用固定结构元素形态学对图像进行边缘检测(Run jdxingtaixue file, the program with a fixed structure element morphology of the edge detection)
    2010-04-06 15:43:13下载
  • SaliencyToolbox
    官方版SaliencyToolbox最新版本,对加载图片进行视觉注意机制的显著性运算,压缩包内含多张素材图片(The latest version of official version SaliencyToolbox of, load the image of the visual attention mechanism, a significant sex operator, compressed packets containing more than one material picture)
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