本实验为UART回环实例,实验程序分为顶层unrt_top、发送模块uart_tx、接收模块 uart_rx,以及时钟产生模块clk_div。uart_rx将收到的包解析出8位的数据,再传送给 uart_tx发出,形成回环。参考时钟频率为100MHz,波特率设定为9600bps。(This experiment is an example of UART loop. The experimental program is divided into top-level unrt_top, sending module uart_tx, receiving module uart_rx, and clock generation module clk_div. Uart_rx parses the received packet into 8 bits of data and sends it to uart_tx to send out, forming a loop. The reference clock frequency is 100 MHz and the baud rate is set to 9600 bps. stay)