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Circuitos-potencia casos

于 2020-06-24 发布 文件大小:391KB
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  Problemas de Potencia


Circuitos-potencia casos.pdf, 528816 , 2019-07-08



0 个回复

  • 工具提示效果库
    s通过简单的设置可以实现在不同位置显示提示框,根(S can display prompt box and root in different places by simple settings.)
    2019-02-14 11:19:15下载
  • C#多线程例子
    2022-02-25 06:02:22下载
  • 经典游戏在JavaME平台开发。
    classic game is developed in javaME platform.
    2022-02-14 00:18:22下载
  • DAC
    pcm2706+pcm1794同轴解码器(Pcm2706 + pcm1794 coaxial decoder)
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    Using CPLEX Solver in MATPOWER to perform DC-OPF
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  • 定时器时间计算工具 使用方便 并有模拟功能 是一个不错的软件...
    定时器时间计算工具 使用方便 并有模拟功能 是一个不错的软件-The calculation of time timer tools easy to use and have analog functions is a good software
    2023-05-23 03:35:03下载
  • 软件简介: 调查投票系统介绍: 可生成网上可见的多数调查系统投票系统, 支持同时产生多套调查投票, 可自定义题目类型(如单选+多选,单选+文字,...
    软件简介: 调查投票系统介绍: 可生成网上可见的多数调查系统投票系统, 支持同时产生多套调查投票, 可自定义题目类型(如单选+多选,单选+文字,纯文字等类型) 可自由更换界面,使用时提交和提交成功界面均是纯Html格式。 随时可对使用中投票调查进行更改,随时查看调查结果。 投票还原功能,可以将统计结果还原成各个投票者的投票情况。 -software brief : Investigation voting system introduced : Visibility can be generated on-line survey system of the majority voting system, while generating support multiple investigations to vote, since the definition of topic types (eg danxuan choose, radio text, text and other types) are free to replace the interface, use the submission and the author successful interface is pure html format. Ready to use poll for changes at any time to see results. Voting reduction function can be reduced to statistical results of all voters vote.
    2022-09-04 00:55:03下载
  • esprit
    在均匀线阵阵列中采用esprit算法对信号的DOA进行估计的仿真程序(Bursts out in the uniform linear esprit algorithm used in signal DOA estimation of simulation program)
    2008-07-31 20:52:12下载
  • Aerial_recovery_demo
    做的非常好的飞机控制,飞机模型和轨迹分析都有(Excellent aircraft control, aircraft model and trajectory analysis.)
    2018-04-26 08:13:16下载
  • 201512923-赵永斌
    说明:  双容水箱液位控制系统是一种采用先进的控制算法完成对液位的控制的系统, 它在食品加工、原油提炼、化工生产等诸多实用行业中都有广泛使用。本次设计中, 要求设计的超调量小,调节时间短和有自平衡能力等优点。首先要掌握生产工艺和控制流程的基本知识,选择合适的仪表。然后进行系统的设计,明确被控对象,并对系统中每个原件进行模型建立;根据系统要求选择合适的控制方法,对控制器进行参数整定。我们将充分利用计算机技术结合自动控制技术实现对水箱水位的精确控制。(Dual-capacity water tank level control system is a system using advanced control algorithm to complete the control of liquid level, which is widely used in food processing, crude oil refining, chemical production and many other practical industries. In this design, the design requires a small amount of overshoot, short adjustment time and self-balancing ability and other advantages. First of all, we should master the basic knowledge of production process and control process, select the appropriate instrument. Then the system is designed, the controlled objects are identified, and each original in the system is modeled, and the appropriate control method is selected according to the requirements of the system to set the parameters of the controller. We will make full use of computer technology combined with automatic control technology to achieve accurate control of water tank level.)
    2019-03-21 13:16:16下载
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