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于 2020-06-24 发布 文件大小:30KB
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  Control para codigos de barra, muy util para sistemas de inventario.



0 个回复

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  • 098
    [LDPC码]是LDPC码相关论文 [WuYuFei]中是WuYuFei的论文 [WuYufei_matlab]是WuYufei做Turbo码的Matlab程序 程序实现在固定信噪比和卷积长度的条件下,计算不同正常的帧错误概率和比特错误概率 turbo_sys_demo.m是主程序 其中trellis.m是构造网格的子程序 logmapo.m是LOGMAP译码算法子程序 sova0.m是SOVA译码算法子程序 encoderm.m是编码子程序 [22]是以WuYufei程序的改动,实现在帧长、信噪比和迭代次数固定的情况下,获得两个译码器的先验信息的变化情况 http://www.pudn.com ([LDPC Code] LDPC code is a relevant paper [WuYuFei] is WuYuFei paper [WuYufei_matlab] is to do WuYufei procedures Turbo Codes Matlab program signal to noise ratio at a fixed length and convolution conditions, different normal frame error probability and the bit error probability is turbo_sys_demo.m main structure of which is trellis.m grid is logmapo.m Subroutine Subroutine LOGMAP decoding algorithm is the SOVA decoding algorithm sova0.m Subroutine Subroutine encoderm.m coding [22 ] WuYufei procedure is based on changes in帧长realize, signal to noise ratio and a fixed number of iterations circumstances, the acquisition of two decoder a priori information changes http://www.pudn.com)
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