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于 2020-06-30 发布 文件大小:106KB
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  使用K-means聚类算法的改进算法K-means++对图像区域进行分割。(using the improved algorithm K-means++ segment image.)





0 个回复

  • diffraction
    Images of diffraction
    2013-10-21 22:02:24下载
  • huofuman
    霍夫曼图像压缩编码,无损压缩,压缩率为2倍,压缩效果很好。(Image compression Huffman coding, lossless compression, the compression rate is 2 times the compression works well.)
    2013-10-08 09:17:57下载
  • brdf_cal
    基于ENVI和IDL的以HDF形式存储的已角度配准过后的遥感图像的BRDF计算,使用的核为li_transit和ross_thick。同时还有IDL基础教程和ENVI用户手册。(ENVI and IDL in the order based on HDF have been stored in the form of point of registration after the calculation of remote sensing images of the BRDF, the use of nuclear as li_transit and ross_thick. Along with IDL and ENVI user manual Essentials.)
    2010-07-24 15:28:09下载
  • 4
    说明:  我主要做的是图像分割算法的研究,这个是图像分割的程序,主要用神经网络!(I mainly do is to image segmentation algorithm, this is the image segmentation procedure, the main neural network!)
    2008-06-26 21:23:43下载
  • icaML
    说明:  用最大相似性方法实现独立分量分析算法的matlab代码,可用于盲信号处理和图像滤波器构造。(with the greatest similarity method independent component analysis algorithm Matlab code can be used to blind signal processing and image filter structure.)
    2005-10-09 23:23:55下载
  • two
    :植物种类识别方法主要是根据叶片低维特征进行自动化鉴定。然而,低维特征不能全面描述叶片信息,识别准确率低,本文提 出一种基于多特征降维的植物叶片识别方法。首先通过数字图像处理技术对植物叶片彩色样本图像进行预处理,获得去除颜色、虫洞、 叶柄和背景的叶片二值图像、灰度图像和纹理图像。然后对二值图像提取几何特征和结构特征,对灰度图像提取 Hu不变矩特征、灰 度共生矩阵特征、局部二值模式特征和 Gabor 特征,对纹理图像提取分形维数,共得到 2183 维特征参数。再采用主成分分析与线性 评判分析相结合的方法对叶片多特征进行特征降维,将叶片高维特征数据降到低维空间。使用降维后的训练样本特征数据对支持向量 机分类器进行训练(plant species identification method is mainly based on blade automatic identification of low dimensional characteristics.However, can not fully describe blade low-dimensional feature information, identification accuracy is low, in this paper A kind of plant leaves recognition method based on multiple feature dimension reduction.First by digital image processing technology to the plant leaf color sample image preprocessing, obtain background color removal, wormhole, petioles, and the blades of a binary image, gray image and texture image.Then the binary image to extract the geometric characteristics and characteristics of structure and characteristics of gray image extraction Hu moment invariants, gray co-occurrence matrix feature, local binary pattern features and Gabor, to extract the fractal dimension of texture image, get 2183 d characteristic parameters.By principal component analysis and linear uation analysis method of combining the characteristics of blade more feature dimensi)
    2017-02-28 09:57:50下载
  • US_image_segmentation
    自写的一种基于局部对比增强的GVFsnake图像分割方法,参考了xu的gvf,但本方法分割效果更好。(Since the writing of a local contrast enhancement based on image segmentation method of GVFsnake reference xu the gvf, but this method is better segmentation.)
    2007-09-20 13:47:19下载
  • face_detection
    人眼定位 人脸检测 形态学处理 伽伯变换 二值化(Human eyes locating face detection morphological processing Gabor transform binaryzation )
    2014-12-07 17:14:46下载
  • gmcalab_le1.0
    MCA,形态成分分析,广义图像处理,图像分解,图像降噪处理。(gmcalab fgmca.m imnb.m sparse_noisy_examples.m)
    2018-04-21 14:40:40下载
  • four-denosing-procedure
    四种图像去噪程序,给原图像分别加上高斯噪声,椒盐噪声,乘性噪声,脉冲噪声后进行去噪,输出去噪后的图像(Four image denoising procedures, to the original image plus Gaussian noise, salt and pepper noise, multiplicative noise, impulse noise the Denoising output denoised image)
    2012-11-15 10:48:46下载
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