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于 2020-06-25 发布 文件大小:515KB
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  graphic game developing source code


srcfans.com\PictureGame\HelpDlg.cpp, 1589 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\HelpDlg.h, 1183 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\PictureGame.aps, 22004 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\PictureGame.clw, 1711 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\PictureGame.cpp, 2133 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\PictureGame.dsp, 4372 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\PictureGame.dsw, 545 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\PictureGame.h, 1379 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\PictureGame.plg, 2084 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\PictureGame.rc, 6554 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\PictureGameDlg.cpp, 14682 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\PictureGameDlg.h, 2167 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\ReadMe.txt, 3669 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\res\01.bmp, 372576 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\res\02.bmp, 329128 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\res\03.bmp, 342200 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\res\PictureGame.ico, 1078 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\res\PictureGame.rc2, 403 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\resource.h, 1295 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\StdAfx.cpp, 213 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\StdAfx.h, 1054 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\PictureGame\res, 0 , 2017-02-27
srcfans.com\PictureGame, 0 , 2017-02-27
srcfans.com, 0 , 2017-02-27



0 个回复

  • GraphicExp
    简单的画图程序,我的图形学实验作业,还未整个完成(simple drawing program, my graphics experimental operation, it has not yet completed the entire)
    2005-04-01 18:25:32下载
  • 等值线函数
    等值线函数.// As this code is ported from FORTRAN-77, please be very careful of the // various indices like ilb,iub,jlb and jub, remeber that C/C++ indices // starts from zero (0)(contour function.// As this code is ported from FORTRAN-77, please be very careful of the// various indices like ilb, iub, and* address, remember that the C/C indices// starts from zero (0))
    2005-05-31 09:36:38下载
  • agg-2.5
    2D图像渲染,比如反走样,mark等效果,编码风格很好,模版用的淋漓尽致(2D image rendering, such as anti-aliasing, mark, such as the effect of good coding style, the template used by most)
    2009-02-08 12:35:42下载
  • shiyan3-
    计算机图形学,mfc实现二维图形的基本几何变换,如平移、旋转、缩放、对称、错切变换(Computer graphics, mfc achieve the basic two-dimensional graphics geometric transformations, such as translation, rotation, scaling, symmetry, shear transformation)
    2020-06-30 23:20:02下载
  • drawingprogramonVC
    VC下的屏幕画图:VC下的屏幕画图程序,有六种方法实现(VC under the screen drawing program, there are six ways to achieve)
    2010-10-06 19:38:46下载
  • tuxingxuedazouye
    说明:  1. 做一个集成的图形界面的程序,可调用每一次作业子程序。 2. 调用画点的函数,用DDA、中点算法画直线和中点算法及正负法画圆和抛物线。 3. 交互式的二维直线求交:如果存在交点,用实心圆显示交点,并用文字显示其坐标。 4. 用动画实现二维图形变换的各种算法,实现对指定形体的平移、旋转和缩放。(包括自行车行走和绕固定点旋转的自旋转物体动画。) 5. 线段裁剪和多边形裁剪算法的动画演示实现。(两种线段裁剪算法和H-S多边形逐边裁剪算法)多边形裁剪算法的动画演示要求先画出一个封闭的多边形,再画矩形的裁剪窗口,然后选择裁剪按钮(或命令),按下“上边裁剪”按钮(或执行“上边裁剪”命令),多边形相对裁剪窗口的上边进行裁剪,显示上边裁剪后的多边形,依此进行其它各边裁剪。 6. 两种扫描多边形扫描转换算法实现(扫描线算法为必做,基于求余运算的边缘填充和边标志算法任选一种); 7. 4连通区域的递归种子填充算法,和扫描线种子填充算法,要求种子点(x,y)可交互输入)。 8. 简单三维图形系统:凸多面体的建模、透视投影,隐藏面的消除及基本图形变换(平移、旋转、缩放)。 9. 交互式Bezier曲线的输入绘制程序实现 (1. So an integrated graphical interface procedures, which call for each operation subroutine. 2. Calling the painting point function, with DDA, the midpoint algorithm painting line and the midpoint algorithm and France Circle and the positive and negative parabola. 3. Interactive 2D linear intersection : If there intersection with a solid circle indicates Nodal and writing to demonstrate its coordinates. 4. Using 2D animation graphics transform algorithms to achieve the specified physical translation, rotation and scaling. (Including walking and cycling around the fixed point of rotating objects from the rotating animation.) 5. Line cutting and polygon clipping algorithm to achieve the animation demo. (Two segments cutting algorithm and H-S-by-side polygon clipping algorithm) polygon clipp)
    2020-11-09 20:49:46下载
  • drawing-board
    用VS2012和open cv2.47编写的一个简单画图板程序,可以像画图板一样用鼠标画任意图形(Using VS2012 and open cv2.47 drawing board to write a simple program, you can use the mouse as the drawing board, like any graphic painting)
    2014-10-14 13:19:15下载
  • the-image-tube-CAD
    本文以电场的三大定理、连续超张弛迭代算法、拉格朗日插值算法等原理知识作为理论基础,以 C 语言为编程工具,将由根据以上物理和数学原理所推导出来的模型转化为可以计算像管内电势的 CAD 程序软件。所编写的程序可以在给定像管参数和电极电位的情况下,计算圆柱形像管内任意一点的电位大小,并绘制出像管内的等势线;拉格朗日插值得到对称轴上任一点的电位值。 (In this paper, we base on the three theorems of the electric field, continuous ultra-relaxation iterative algorithm, and Lagrange interpolation algorithm. We use the C language as a programming tools, and transform the model derived above into a CAD software to calculate the electric potential in the image tube. In case the image tube parameters and electrode potential are known, the program written can get the potential of every point in the image tube, and plot equipotential lines inside the image tube. It can also get the potential of every point on the axis of symmetry by Lagrange interpolation. )
    2015-02-04 22:28:55下载
  • huitu
    单文档绘图工具,包括直线,曲线,扇形,圆形,圆角矩形,矩形等图形,还可以设置线条的颜色等属性。(Single document drawing tools including lines, curves, fan-shaped, round, rounded rectangle, rectangle and other graphics, you can also set the line color and other attributes.)
    2013-11-18 20:19:56下载
  • Project
    说明:  根据图框块自动识别图纸并预览打印。函数参数分别为:打印机名称,打印样式,打印纸张,打印份数,自动纸张,自动旋转,自动关闭,自动识别图框(Autoprint according to the drawing blocks.)
    2020-06-17 09:00:02下载
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