

于 2016-07-03 发布 文件大小:122KB
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  快速读取网页源码,运用到超速读取网页源码.ec与易语言互联网支持库,程序源码通过调用模块命令读取网页源码与易系统的“HTTP读文件”命令做比较。(Quickly read the page source code , use the speed source .ec pages to read and easy language support library Internet , Open Source command reads the web page source code by calling the module with the trading system of HTTP read file command comparison.)



0 个回复

  • 41962
    自绘选择框源码,程序结合易语言模块GDIPlus类2.3.ec,调用API函数自绘选择框。(Since the paint source selection box , the program combined with easy language module GDIPlus class 2.3.ec, call the API function paint selection box.)
    2016-09-13 21:36:49下载
  • 35974
    批量查询域名备案源码程序,结合易语言扩展界面支持库和互联网支持库,调用API函数通过HTTP读取,搜索网站域名备案信息。(Bulk Check Domain record source program, combined with easy language support library and Internet expansion interface support library , call the API function via HTTP read, search, domain record information .)
    2016-12-25 12:36:55下载
  • 67788966655
    犀利的编辑框透明方法,应用程序编程源码,很好的参考资料。(Edit box transparent method of sharp, application programming source code, a good reference.)
    2013-10-12 14:13:26下载
  • 6057
    建立VPN连接源码程序,调用API函数RasSetEntryPropertiesA实现VPN虚拟专用网络连接。(Establish a VPN connection source program, call the API function RasSetEntryPropertiesA achieve VPN virtual private network connection .)
    2018-10-07 09:10:31下载
  • T
    说明:  易语言标题栏画图片源码例程程序结合易语言莫开GDIPlus类2.4.1.ec,调用API函数实现标题栏画图片效果。(Easy language title bar picture source code routines, combined with easy language Mo open GDIPlus class 2.4.1.ec, call the API function to achieve title column painting picture effect.)
    2017-11-01 19:03:49下载
  • 9956
    仿Photofilter源码例程,程序结合易语言拖放支持库,实现了Photofilter基本的查看图片自定义复制路径等功能。(Imitation Photofilter source routines, programs combined with easy language drop support libraries, which achieved Photofilter basic view pictures custom features such as replication path .)
    2016-07-14 10:52:53下载
  • 357463
    定时关机,应用程序编程源码,很好的参考资料。(Timing shutdown, application programming source code, a good reference.)
    2013-10-26 11:10:44下载
  • 06777
    注册表监视源码例程,程序结合易语言多线程支持库,调用API函数实现注册表的监视。(Registry monitoring source routines, programs combined with easy language support for multithreading library , call the API function registry monitoring.)
    2018-04-17 14:21:40下载
  • 19482
    创意环形按钮源码程序,例程结合易语言模块彗星真彩控件模块.ec,实现超炫创意的按钮环绕效果。(Creative endless button -source programs , routines combined with easy language module comet true color control module .ec, achieve stunning creative buttons surround effect.)
    2018-05-11 09:07:10下载
  • 709521
    端口扫描器源码,例程程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,调用API函数扫描端口。(Port scanner source, routine program expansion interface combined with easy language support library , call the API function scans ports.)
    2016-04-12 16:10:11下载
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