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于 2019-06-30 发布 文件大小:1KB
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说明:  对肌电信号计算积分肌电值+均方根值+中值频率+平均功率频率(Computation of Integral EMG+RMS+Median Frequency+Average Power Frequency for EMG Signals)


20eb3dfd8ec748a1a4fa46601ab9879e, 0 , 2019-02-20
20eb3dfd8ec748a1a4fa46601ab9879e\肌电信号积分肌电值%2B均方根值%2B中值频率%2B平均功率频率.rar, 1443 , 2019-02-20



0 个回复

  • Netlabtoolbox
    The Netlab toolbox is designed to provide the central tools necessary for the simulation of theoretically well founded neural network algorithms and related models for use in teaching, research and applications development. It contains many techniques which are not yet available in standard neural network simulation packages(The toolbox is designed to provide t he central tools necessary for the simulation o f theoretically well founded neural network al gorithms and related models for use in teaching , research and applications development. It c ontains many techniques which are not yet avail able in standard neural network simulation pac kages)
    2006-08-24 19:58:16下载
  • SuportVectorMachine_Library
    This toolbox was designed as a teaching aid, which matlab is particularly good for since source code is relatively legible and simple to modify. However, it is still reasonably fast if used with the supplied optimiser. However, if you really want to speed things up you should consider compiling the matrix composition routine for H into a mex function. Then again if you really want to speed things up you probably shouldn t be using matlab anyway... Get hold of a dedicated C program once you understand the algorithm.
    2012-06-10 07:39:31下载
  • example72
    sliding mode controller slotine example 7-2
    2014-08-14 14:21:58下载
  • MATLAB_Device_Blocks_DS-51771E
    user_manual for matlab simulink toolbox dsPIC microcontrollers
    2013-03-27 13:09:28下载
  • bilateral
    this code de-fog the given image. you provide a image containing fog, after applying the code image can be restored the fog. this can be applied to videos also.
    2015-02-19 12:59:00下载
  • IMMKFEKFfitler
    雷达多目标机动跟踪 利用imm模型可以获得很好的跟踪效果,其中滤波器用了ukf和ekf. 程序列表 程序说明 CAEKF.m 采用CA模型的EKF滤波 IMMUKF.m 采用交互式多模型的UKF滤波程序 FX1.m IMMUKF.m程序中CV模型系统方程 FX2.m IMMUKF.m程序中CA模型系统方程 FZ.m IMMUKF.m程序中观测方程函数 数据列表 Measure.mat 观测数据 Real.mat 真实数据 (Using multi-mode approach of unsent Kalman filtering process, simulation of moving target tracking)
    2010-01-14 13:05:41下载
  • 23
    说明:  城市环境的过程式建模技术研究。。。。。。。。。。(The process of urban environment modeling technology research of)
    2011-05-01 12:00:57下载
  • compare_segmentations
    This is very important code for image segmentation comparisons, this code calculates RI, GCE and VI for segmentation comparisons.
    2013-09-22 20:11:33下载
  • maichongyasuo_ceju
    利用mathlab仿真雷达脉冲压缩测距原理。对两个雷达回波信号进行脉冲压缩实现可分辨。(Using mathlab simulation principle of pulse compression radar ranging. The two implementing pulse compression radar echo signals can distinguish. )
    2013-11-12 20:37:42下载
  • qam
    通信原理仿真的matlab实现振幅和相位联合调制(Matlab simulation communication principle to achieve amplitude and phase modulation)
    2010-12-08 17:46:05下载
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