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于 2021-04-13 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  运行emd,得到输入信号X的固有模态函数(imf),每列代表着信号X的一阶分量,X就是我们采集的信号。 hhtdn是hht去噪的程序,可以不看,仅看emd 和 findpeaks wvtdn是wavelet去噪程序,如果只是分解信号,仅用下面的语句即可 [C,L] = wavedec(x_noise,dl,wn); x_noise就是我们采集的信号,dl是分解的阶数,wn是分解的母小波名称(% Empiricial Mode Decomposition (Hilbert-Huang Transform) % imf = emd(x) % Func : findpeaks)


decomposition\emd.m, 862, 2014-11-12
decomposition\emd_1.m, 382, 2017-11-30
decomposition\findpeaks.m, 146, 2014-11-11
decomposition\hhtdn.m, 440, 2015-06-05
decomposition\wvtdn.m, 268, 2015-06-08
decomposition\说明.txt, 308, 2017-11-16



0 个回复

  • gaussi
    高斯滤波.这段代码主要用于以为信号的高斯滤波。(Gaussian Filter.Gaussian Filter.Gaussian Filter.Gaussian Filter.Gaussian Filter.Gaussian Filter.Gaussian Filter.Gaussian Filter.Gaussian Filter.Gaussian Filter.Gaussian Filter.Gaussian Filter.Gaussian Filter.Gaussian Filter.Gaussian Filter)
    2011-12-07 09:56:04下载
  • MedCosmCGHMaker_13
    数字全息和计算程式 计算全息图的制作和再现过程主要分为以下几个步骤: 1抽样。得到物体或波面在离散样点上的值。 2.计算。计算物光波在全息平面上的光场分布。 3.编码。把全息平面上光波的复振幅分布编码成全息图的透过率变化。 4.成图。在计算机控制下,将全息图的透过率变化在成图设备上成图。如果成图设备分辨率不够,再经光学缩版得到实用的全息图。 5.再现。这—步骤在本质上与光学全息图的再现没有区别。 (Digital Holography and CGH for calculating the production and reproduction process is divided into the following steps: 1 sampling. Be objects, or wavefront-like point in the discrete value. 2. Calculated. Calculation of complex light plane in the holographic optical field distribution. 3. Coding. The hologram plane the complex amplitude distribution of light into a hologram coding changes in the transmittance. 4. As Fig. Under the control of the computer, the hologram transmittance change in the mapping device mapping. Mapping equipment, if not resolution, then reduced by the optical version of a hologram to be practical. 5. Reproduction. This is- these in essence a hologram and the optical reproduction is no different.)
    2009-06-24 00:45:57下载
  • MATLAB的软件包,用于小,安装到自己的MATLAB工具箱中-Wavelab850
    MATLAB的软件包,用于小波变换,安装到自己的MATLAB工具箱中。(MATLAB software package for wavelet transform.)
    2020-06-21 07:20:01下载
  • 20070313195904788
    近10种matlab基于小波变换的图像处理程序! (M文件)(nearly 10 species of Matlab based on wavelet transform image processing procedures. (M))
    2007-06-02 09:49:33下载
  • Wav_Noise
    语音信号去噪,在MATLAB开发环境下,对含噪声的语音信号进行小波变换,实现语音增强的功能。(The speech signal denoising, wavelet transform, the noisy speech signal in the MATLAB development environment, Speech enhancement functions.)
    2012-03-15 10:31:02下载
  • cs_wave_ronghe_way3_dec4_test
    这是采用小波变换以及压缩感知的理论编写的图像融合程序(This is the wavelet transform and the theory of compressed sensing image fusion program written in)
    2011-07-22 12:09:40下载
  • watermark_image
    结合离散小波变换(DWT)技术,利用DWT与HVS相结合的良好特性,探索和建立了一种新的图像质量客观评价方法(taking advantage of the similarities of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) with HVS,a new methods for integrated image quality assessment)
    2009-05-19 18:41:31下载
  • waveform275khz
    275hz正弦波激励程序,用于模拟波的激发,适用于导波及其他方面,matlab程序(275hz sine wave incentive program for the simulation of wave excitation applied to guide spread to other aspects, matlab program)
    2012-10-23 10:19:17下载
  • Pisarenko_music_esprit
    分别用Pisarenko谐波估计法、MUSIC算法和ESPRIT算法对三正弦叠加高斯白噪声信号源进行频率估计,附件中有代码说明,编译环境为matlab。(Respectively Pisarenko harmonic estimation, MUSIC algorithm and the ESPRIT algorithm superimposed on the three sine Gaussian white noise signal source for frequency estimation, in the annex to the code description, the compiler environment matlab.)
    2021-03-24 15:09:14下载
  • FlowEstimationbyQWT
    使用四元数小波变换图像流估计。是对“Coherent Multiscale Image Processing using Dual-Tree Quaternion Wavelets”的实现。代码很详细。(Use quaternion wavelet transform image flow estimation. Is the " Coherent Multiscale Image Processing using Dual-Tree Quaternion Wavelets" implementation. Code is very detailed.)
    2021-04-27 21:08:44下载
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