首页 » Python » five_chess


于 2018-06-11 发布 文件大小:4947KB
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  五子棋实现,python实现的五子棋人工智能。(Python implementation of Gobang artificial intelligence)


five_chess\consts.py, 213 , 2018-04-13
five_chess\gobang.py, 2223 , 2018-04-13
five_chess\main.py, 7586 , 2018-04-13
five_chess\render.py, 4180 , 2018-04-13
five_chess\Tensentype-DouDouF.ttf, 7608756 , 2018-04-07
five_chess\UI\chessboard.jpg, 321775 , 2018-04-13
five_chess\UI\piece_black.png, 858 , 2018-04-13
five_chess\UI\piece_white.png, 551 , 2018-04-13
five_chess\__pycache__\consts.cpython-36.pyc, 470 , 2018-04-13
five_chess\__pycache__\gobang.cpython-36.pyc, 2688 , 2018-04-13
five_chess\__pycache__\render.cpython-36.pyc, 3465 , 2018-04-13
five_chess\UI, 0 , 2018-04-13
five_chess\__pycache__, 0 , 2018-04-13
five_chess, 0 , 2018-04-13



0 个回复

  • wuziqiyouxi
    五子棋游戏,实现人工智能。单机游戏和多机游戏实现过程。(Backgammon games, achieve artificial intelligence. Single and multi-game machine game implementation process.)
    2013-12-09 19:04:44下载
  • gobangCPP
    C++五子棋代码,有详细的算法注释,代AI算法...可直接运行(C++ gobang game code-with AI。it can work directly)
    2012-07-01 18:32:24下载
  • Black-Jack
    Juego de Black Jack en Java, Desarrollado como trabajo de la Universidad
    2011-09-25 06:57:00下载
  • AIjiaogaowuziqi
    android五子棋游戏,实现了人机对战,人机的智商还不错(android backgammon game to achieve the man-machine war, human IQ is not bad)
    2016-08-08 17:15:49下载
  • VCgamedesing
    VC编程游戏,这本电子书不是太难,书中罗列了几个经典的小游戏:五子棋,俄罗斯方块。。。。(use VC++ to design little games,it is not very complex,which can help the VC beginers )
    2009-06-13 14:33:59下载
  • xiangqi
    功能很强大,代码很齐全,配有使用说明,很适合学习。(Very powerful, the code is complete, with instructions for use, it is suitable for learning.)
    2011-11-13 10:03:25下载
  • ChineseChess(源码)
    Chinese chess development cases, idle, reproduced the beginning of chess cases, for reference only, such as infringement deleted at any time
    2019-03-13 00:06:50下载
  • Poker
    用socket 编写的够击.自定义了网络传输的规约,和发牌规则.(Socket prepared with enough hit. Since the definition of the network transmission of the Statute, and licensing rules.)
    2008-04-19 15:27:21下载
  • CardGame
    简单的纸牌游戏,可作为游戏入门实例,是坂本千寻书本的源码。(A simple card game can be used as an instance of the game started, is the source code for Sakamoto Chihiro books.)
    2009-11-15 14:59:30下载
  • renjixiaqi
    人机下棋:在3×3棋盘上,计算机为一方,用户为一方,交替画“X”和“O”,在行、列、对角线上谁先练成一条直线谁就获得胜利。用类的思想完成,具体功能要求如下: (1)状态显示:计算机可正确显示棋盘,给出提示信息和胜负判断。 (2)用户选择:用户可以选择是先下还是后下,并选择棋子是“X”还是“O”。 (3)每一步都用图形化方式顺序输出 (Man-machine chess: on the 3 X 3 board, the computer for one party, the user for a party, draw an X and O alternately, in the row, column and diagonal who practice who would win in a straight line. Finish, with the ideas of the class specific functional requirements are as follows: (1) status display: the computer can correctly display board, giving prompt information and the outcome of judgment. (2) the user choice: the user can next is first or after, and the pieces is a X or O .)
    2020-07-04 13:00:02下载
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