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于 2016-06-18 发布 文件大小:8KB
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  DCDC变换器模型,采用双闭环控制,电压PI外环控制输出电压,电流PI内环加快相应速度(Model of a DC-DC converter,the completion of the current loop, double closed loop control scheme of voltage outer loop.)





0 个回复

  • Xcell1
    W elcome to X CELL, the new Xilinx customer newsletter. By sending us your development system registration card you automatically became n charter subscriber to this quarterly publication. It is our intent to make this an informative, easy to read, responsive and-hopefully- interactive newsletter. We want to supply you with early and correct information, tell you about the status of our products and about our plans, about bugs and their workarounds, give you applications ideas and convey to you some of the en thusiasm that we feel for our Programmable Gate Arrays. If you have questions or suggestions, please send them to me. II Letters to the Editor make a newsletter more lively. Peter Alfke, Editor
    2014-12-25 01:07:59下载
  • matlabpart1-QAM
    2013-12-04 04:46:33下载
  • neutral-net
    用matlab集成工具包方便地实现神经网络,神经网络源代码 - Matlab工具箱的神经网络理论与应用程序(neutral net by matlab)
    2013-12-05 09:40:39下载
  • suite-DETECTION1
    nous intéressons à la détection et à la localisation de défauts dans des systèmes dynamiques en combinant simultanément l’analyse en composantes principales et la transformée en ondelettes. Ce procédé d’analyse et de traitement, connu souvent sous le nom de MSPCA, permet à la fois l’extraction de la corrélation entre les différents capteurs (approche ACP) et le calcul de l’auto corrélation pour chaque capteur (approche ondelette).
    2013-05-19 18:22:31下载
  • qiantuihuitui
    前推回推法计算配电网潮流,已经通过验证,结果正确。同时计算出电压、电流、网损。(Calculation of forward and backward push distribution networks, has been validated, the results correctly. At the same time to calculate voltage, current, power loss.)
    2010-09-15 08:17:13下载
  • pufenxi
    包括频域解与动态解 误差改进方法 信号的频谱等程序(Including the frequency-domain solutions and dynamic solutions to improve the methods of the error signal spectrum, such as procedures)
    2009-05-01 00:57:18下载
  • program
    现代通信系统使用MATLAB这本书的程序,非常有用!对初学者很有帮助(Modern communication systems using MATLAB program book, very useful! Useful for beginners)
    2011-08-15 22:35:50下载
  • HoughObject
    Circles We can extend the Hough transform to other shapes that can be expressed parametrically. For example, a circle of fixed radius can be described fully by the location of its center (x, y). Think of each feature (edge) point on the circle as saying, ”if I’m on the circle, the center must be in one of these places”. It turns out that the locus of these votes is itself a circle. But what about circles of unknown size? In this case, we need a third parameter: the radius of the circle. So, we can parameterize circles of arbitrary size by (x, y, r). Instead of casting votes in a circular pattern into a two-dimensional accumulator, we cast votes in circles of successively larger size in a three-dimensional accumulator.
    2010-03-09 06:46:32下载
  • Global_Optimization_Toolbox30_win32
    this is a book about how to use optimization toolbox
    2014-01-09 21:45:32下载
  • Logit
    基于matlab语言的logistic回归分析程序 精确度(logistic regression analysis based on matlab language program accuracy)
    2012-01-05 15:16:55下载
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