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于 2016-06-16 发布 文件大小:9618KB
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  力学是自然科学的基础,是一个重要的话题 研究对所有工程的学生。尽管动力学的基本定律 保持不变,他们的应用程序正在不断变化。(Dynamics is the foundation of physical science and is an important subject of study for all engineering students. Although the fundamental laws of dynamics have remained unchanged, their applications are constantly changing.)



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    STM32F10X USB批量传输功能,并有上位机测试程序,上位机使用libusb + vc6.0(STM32F10X USB bulk transmission,and pc test program(use libusb and vc 6.0))
    2016-08-05 10:54:50下载
  • jquery.plugin
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    免费PHP手机网站程序,人人都可以拥有一个属于自己的WAP手机网站,DIYWAP手机网站内容管理系统支持自由灵活的模板制作,在SEO优化方面做了一些独特的工作,后台自由设置手机网站二级域名功能,只要在空间绑定两个域名然后在域名解析你绑定的域名就可以在后台设置,提供的模板都是支持手机屏幕和电脑屏幕的。功能模块:   一、邮件提醒功能   二、多主题自由切换   三、后台模板编辑功能   四、Sitemap生成功能   五、灵活的模板设置   此外还有系统设置、邮件设置、URL模式设置、分类管理、信息管理、单页管理、友情链接管理等功能。   后台登陆账号密码:admin(Free mobile site PHP program, everyone can have one of their own WAP mobile site, DIYWAP Mobile web content management system to support the freedom and flexibility of templates, SEO optimization done in some unique work, the freedom to set back two mobile site domain name, simply type in the domain name space binding two then you bind the domain name resolution can be set in the background, templates are provided to support the phone screen and computer screen. Functional modules: A, e-mail alerts Second, and more freedom to switch topics Third, the background template editing Four, Sitemap generation Fifth, flexible template settings There are also system settings, mail settings, URL mode settings, category management, information management, one-page management, links management. Manage account password: admin)
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  • matlab-simulink-Inverted-Pendulum
    本论文中,以一级倒立摆为研究对象,对它的起摆以及稳定控制做了研究,主要研究工作如下: 1.首先介绍了倒立摆系统的组成和控制原理,建立了一级倒立摆的数学模型,对倒立摆系统进行定性分析,但在平衡点是能控的、能观的。 2.分析了倒立摆的起摆过程,对倒立摆的起摆能量反馈控制进行分析与说明。 3.在matlab2014a的simulink库下对倒立摆构造单级倒立摆状态反馈控制系统的仿真模型和构造具有状态观测器的单级倒立摆状态反馈控制系统的仿真模型。 4.对这次仿真的总结。(In this paper, in order inverted pendulum for the study, since it swing and stability control to do the research, the main research work is as follows: 1. The first introduces the composition and control principle of inverted pendulum system, the establishment of inverted pendulum The mathematical model of inverted pendulum system for qualitative analysis, but at the equilibrium point is controllable, and can view. 2. Analysis of the inverted pendulum swing the process of inverted pendulum swing the feedback control of the energy analysis and explanation. 3. Under matlab2014a the simulink library to construct a single-stage inverted pendulum swing state feedback control system simulation model and the structure has a state observer status feedback single-stage inverted pendulum control system simulation model. 4. Summary of the simulation.)
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    在线支付系统,新手可以参考,我也是借鉴一下(Online payment system)
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