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于 2020-07-24 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  IMU 计算器 能够计算IMU的三轴陀螺仪的飘移,三轴加速度计的偏移,俯仰、横滚、偏航角度,三轴位置信息。画出上七个数据的图像。(This function takes the IMU data as the input and returns the plot of x,y,z,theta,phi,psi,u,v,w. %The data is a 7 coloumn matrix with each row representing a reading of the %IMU. %the coloumn should contain the data in the following format: %col data %1 time %2 Ax %3 Ay %4 Az %5 p(angular rate along x) %6 q(angular rate along y) %7 r(angular rate along z) % Initial is a 3x3 matrix containing initial position and attitude % [phi theta psi % u v w % x y z])


IMU_calculator_matlab, 0 , 2019-06-14
IMU_calculator_matlab\find_position.m, 2002 , 2019-06-13
IMU_calculator_matlab\plot_trajectory.m, 1048 , 2019-06-13
IMU_calculator_matlab\processData.m, 2617 , 2019-06-13



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