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于 2017-11-22 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  信号处理中短时傅里叶变换(STFT)的实现,可用于实时系统,实时语音处理或者分段的FFT计算,亲测可用,拿走不谢!(The implementation of short time Fourier transform (STFT) in signal processing can be used for real-time system, real-time speech processing or segmented FFT calculation!)


lnshift.m, 524, 2005-03-20
shiftcir.m, 791, 2000-07-12
stft.m, 2260, 2005-03-20
istft.m, 1319, 2005-03-20
biorwin.m, 861, 2012-02-22



0 个回复

  • exercice5
    exercise 5 ssd6 cache
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  • m_map1.4
    used to plot figures in matlab
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