首页 » Verilog » Fast_median_filter


于 2019-06-01 发布 文件大小:2117KB
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  FPGA数字图像处理实现均值滤波,并且仿真将生成图片写出TXT格式以便使用MATLAB查看(Mean filter is realized by digital image processing in FPGA, and the generated image is written in TXT format for viewing with MATLAB.)


1.txt, 643368 , 2019-05-26
3.txt, 1884431 , 2019-05-26
_ngo, 0 , 2019-05-26
_ngo\netlist.lst, 110 , 2019-05-26
_xmsgs, 0 , 2019-05-26
_xmsgs\map.xmsgs, 1494 , 2019-05-26
_xmsgs\ngdbuild.xmsgs, 367 , 2019-05-26
_xmsgs\par.xmsgs, 1442 , 2019-05-26
_xmsgs\pn_parser.xmsgs, 573 , 2019-05-26
_xmsgs\trce.xmsgs, 1720 , 2019-05-26
_xmsgs\xst.xmsgs, 7257 , 2019-05-26
big.v, 2584 , 2019-05-25
big_g.v, 865 , 2019-05-26
data_out_1.txt, 652800 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.bld, 1070 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.cmd_log, 2052 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.gise, 14952 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.lso, 6 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.ncd, 115606 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.ngc, 49089 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.ngd, 236527 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.ngr, 45139 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.pad, 6715 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.par, 7966 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.pcf, 328 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.prj, 169 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.ptwx, 17230 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.stx, 0 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.syr, 32597 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.twr, 4597 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.twx, 24021 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.unroutes, 161 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.v, 1646 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.xise, 40906 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.xpi, 46 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter.xst, 1195 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter_envsettings.html, 15326 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter_guide.ncd, 115606 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter_map.map, 2810 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter_map.mrp, 12369 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter_map.ncd, 67999 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter_map.ngm, 522660 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter_map.xrpt, 26644 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter_ngdbuild.xrpt, 13526 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter_pad.csv, 6747 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter_pad.txt, 27349 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter_par.xrpt, 71237 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter_summary.html, 9548 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter_summary.xml, 408 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter_usage.xml, 1857 , 2019-05-26
Fast_median_filter_xst.xrpt, 14223 , 2019-05-26
fliter_window.v, 2148 , 2019-05-25
fuse.log, 2514 , 2019-05-26
fuse.xmsgs, 1429 , 2019-05-26
fuseRelaunch.cmd, 279 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir, 0 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\_xmsgs, 0 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\_xmsgs\cg.xmsgs, 1247 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\_xmsgs\pn_parser.xmsgs, 772 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\coregen.cgp, 238 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\coregen.log, 2814 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\create_fifo_512x8.tcl, 1270 , 2019-05-25
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8.asy, 975 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8.gise, 2611 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8.ncf, 0 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8.ngc, 84500 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8.sym, 2671 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8.v, 14256 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8.veo, 4625 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8.xco, 7317 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8.xise, 5007 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8, 0 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\doc, 0 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\doc\fifo_generator_v9_3_readme.txt, 9862 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\doc\fifo_generator_v9_3_vinfo.html, 10447 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\doc\pg057-fifo-generator.pdf, 75348 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\example_design, 0 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\example_design\fifo_512x8_exdes.ucf, 2674 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\example_design\fifo_512x8_exdes.vhd, 5305 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\fifo_generator_v9_3_readme.txt, 9862 , 2013-10-14
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\implement, 0 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\implement\implement.bat, 3354 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\implement\implement.sh, 3262 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\implement\implement_synplify.bat, 3368 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\implement\implement_synplify.sh, 3278 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\implement\planAhead_ise.bat, 2631 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\implement\planAhead_ise.sh, 2582 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\implement\planAhead_ise.tcl, 3160 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\implement\xst.prj, 45 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\implement\xst.scr, 230 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\simulation, 0 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\simulation\fifo_512x8_dgen.vhd, 4658 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\simulation\fifo_512x8_dverif.vhd, 5987 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\simulation\fifo_512x8_pctrl.vhd, 15848 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\simulation\fifo_512x8_pkg.vhd, 11767 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\simulation\fifo_512x8_rng.vhd, 3993 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\simulation\fifo_512x8_synth.vhd, 10321 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\simulation\fifo_512x8_tb.vhd, 5926 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\simulation\functional, 0 , 2019-05-26
ipcore_dir\fifo_512x8\simulation\functional\simulate_isim.bat, 2980 , 2019-05-26



0 个回复

  • GrayIMG
    将一幅rgb图像转换成灰度图像,并显示出灰度图像。(the functon is to make a rgb image to gray image.)
    2015-10-02 21:41:03下载
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    基于OPENCV的数字图像处理的Cvvimage库,(CvvImage Class in image process )
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    说明:  三维受激布里渊散射谱使用MATLAN仿真(Stimulated Brillouin Scattering)
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  • tv
    matlab程序 关于用变分法去除图像噪声 非常具有参考 价值 希望对学习图像去噪的同学 有帮助(matlab program on the use of variational method to remove image noise very reference value I hope to learn denoising help students)
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  • cnn-cbir-benchmark-master
    python语言,使用卷积神经网络的特征做图像检索(image retrieval using CNN)
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  • GeneratePictures
    在计算鬼成像当中,用于生成计算散斑,有了计算散斑 可以做仿真或者其他用途(In the calculation of ghost imaging were used to calculate the generating speckle, speckle can do with computing simulation or other purposes)
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  • yanjing
    通过图像处理技术实现对眼睛中的细微血管的提取,并进行强度变换,使效果更好。(Through the realization of extraction of slight blood vessels in the eye image processing technology, and intensity transformation, so that the effect is better.)
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  • image-inpainting
    图像修复,使用曲率方法,热传递。边缘修复非常好,参考某博士论文写。(Image restoration, using the curvature method, heat transfer. Edge of the repair is very good, the reference of a doctoral dissertation.)
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  • MaxAndMinCluster
    最大最小距离 聚类算法,可以对一维或者二维信号进行聚类分析。尤其是两类化情况较好时。(maxmum and minimum Cluster Algorithm)
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